Hyperledger Ursa Architecture
Hyperledger Ursa Architecture
Session Topic or Project
This session will cover the overall architecture of the Hyperledger Ursa cryptography library as well as highlight areas of the project where we are looking for volunteers to take ownership. We will also go over our community meeting schedule, chat room, and mailing lists to help new people become active members of the Ursa community.
Session Leader
- Mike Lodder
Time Slots and Spaces
- March 7th, 13:00-14:00, Training Room 1
- March 7th, 14:00-15:00, Training Room 1, 中文
Experience Level of Participants
Session Language
English, 中文
Programming Language(s)
- C / C++
- Go
- Java
- Javascript
- Python
- Rust
- Other
Other Prerequisites
- Attendees must be familiar with Rust and Cargo. Attend the Introduction to Rust and Cargo session if needed.
- Attendees must have an LFID. Attend the Introduction to Hyperledger Community session if needed.
- Familiarity with cryptography will help a lot but is not required.
The Plan
The Goals
Software to Install Before
- Rust toolchain.
- Cargo build tool.
Special Equipment Required
, multiple selections available,