Letter to the Boss 如何跟老板讨论参加超级账本训练营?

Why you should let your employees attend this Hyperledger Bootcamp!

The first Hyperledger bootcamp takes place on the 7th and 8th of March, Thursday and Friday, which are two working days. If you would like to attend but will need to ask the approval from your manager, you can consider forwarding this page or to send the letter below to your manager. 

The objective of the letter below is to share what Hyperledger and Linux Foundation are, why it is relevant to your organization and industry, why we should all attend. 


Dear Sir/Madam, 

I'd like to attend the first global Hyperledger Bootcamp taking place 7-8 March, Thursday and Friday in Hong Kong, orgainsed by the Linux Foundation. The Linux Foundation is a non-profit organization and this is free for anyone to attend this bootcamp. 

I've researched many blockchain events - and this is THE event to attend for developers/software engineers/project managers/ who want to network with other fellow developers from around the world, learn more about the development of blockchain technologies and meet the top technical minds in the ecosystem. I hope to meet others that might face the same challenges and problems I do so that we can work together to solve technical issues now and in the future. Creating strategic partnerships at the event could be very useful in the future when we encounter new challenges.

The Linux Foundation hosts many of the most important open source projects in the world, including Linux Kernel (operating system), NodeJS (Programming language), Kubernetes (Container orchestration tools), etc. Hyperledger is the umbrella hosting all 12 blockchain and distributed ledger related projects and is the fastest growing project in the history of the Linux foundation. Currently there are over 260 members of Hyperledger including some of the largest technology companies, financial institutions, leading universities, central banks and regulators.

In the past couple of years, we have seen companies in the world exploring and implementing blockchain as a technology in different industries, including trade finance, stock settlement, supply chain, healthcare, government etc. See the references below. We strongly believe that if our organization wants to remain competitive, we need to understand those technologies at the most fundamental level, or even better if we can contribute to those open source projects, and this bootcamp is the perfect place for me to start. 

Many of the maintainers and contributors of Hyperledger projects globally will come to Hong Kong and spend two days working with the participants of the bootcamp and those projects include enterprise blockchain frameworks (Hyperledger Fabric / Sawtooth), digital identity project (Hyperledger Indy), blockchain security and testing tools (Hyperledger Ursa / Hyperledger Caliper). You can read all of the projects here:   


You can learn more about the Hyperledger Bootcamp for details. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I hope we can make this opportunity work.



{Your Name}










我研究了很多区块链活动 ---- 这个活动是为了参与的开发人员、软件工程师、项目经理等与来自世界各地的其他开发者联络,了解更多区块链技术的开发,以及与生态系统中顶级技术大咖当面请教和交流的人。我希望与其他可能面临同样困难和问题的人会面,以便我们能够在现在和将来共同努力解决技术问题。在会议期间建立战略伙伴关系,在我们今后遇到新挑战时可能非常有用。



全球许多超级账本项目的管理者和贡献者将来到香港,他们将花两天时间与训练营的参与者一起工作,这些项目包括企业区块链框架(Hyperledger Fabric/Sawtooth)、数字身份项目(Hyperledger Indy)、区块链安全和测试工具(Hyperledger Hyperledger Ursa/Hyperledger Caliper)。你可以在这里查看所有的项目:


您可以在这了解更多有关超级账本训练营 的详细信息。请告诉我您是否有更多的问题和担心。我希望能够争取到这个机会。



{Your Name}