2021-12-21 Besu Contributor Call

(Meeting Link: ⁨https://zoom.us/j/97540031823?pwd=dEJrRW1LakFlWnZPelI3VGxoVjg2dz09)

EMEA/AMER Friendly Time -  (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20201012T150000&p1=224&p2=179&p3=1440&p4=195&p5=47)

  • 8 AM Tuesday San Francisco
  • 11 AM Tuesday New York
  • 3 PM Tuesday UTC
  • 5 PM Tuesday Paris/Berlin
  • 1 AM Wednesday Brisbane



Besu Incentive Program

  • Goals 
    • Teams free to do what they want with validator value and validator tx fees (rewards) 
    • Keys will be divested over 6 month periods (allowing more and more funds to be withdrawn) 
    • Provide long-term incentives to folks that are building Ethereum Mainnet clients 
    • Offered to all mainnet client teams (execution and consensus) 
    • EF will provide validator keys at a later time depending on incentive program milestones
  • Performance metrics
    • Taken over a monthly time frame
    • Over 95% attestation and block proposal inclusions 
    • Avoid slashing for these validators - slashed validators will be removed from the program
    • Consensus client issues - EF will not penalize execution layer client for consensus issues on the other client 
    • Execution layer has to be quick enough (performant) to create the block 
  • Interoperability 
    • Trust in this process by EF - good faith interop (could use canary nodes for combinations that are less tested)
  • Why Now?
    • Prepping for the Merge
    • Helps measure performance and confirms meeting protocol expectations
  • How do we run this program across the Besu community? 
    • This is a big ask for time from community members - Not all should be forced to be node operators
  • Concerns are:
    • All maintainers can't run a release 
    • Data not shared from ConsenSys with the community
    • Lack of transparency from ConsenSys team on roadmap
    • Money will make this open source project more challenging with the community 
    • PRs that need to be reviewed in timely manner
  • Ideas for Incentivizing Besu community
    • Near term idea: Bounty program
    • Near term idea: Clear benchmarks/requirements for operator validator nodes
    • Medium/long term idea: Besu DAO

Next Steps:

  1. More detailed document around Incentive Program on Wiki
  2. Agenda for next call (potentially off-cycle):
    1. Incentive program (30 mins)
      1. Cost of running nodes
    2. Besu maintainer progress/community concerns (30 mins)

Note: We did not have time to address these other items:

General Announcements

  • Release updates
    • Release process in general, plan for diversifying who can make a release.(Justin Florentine )
      • How many maintainers required to sign off on a release?
    • GAR-E - what does it still need to reduce friction?
    • What role (if any) does CircleCI have in releasing?
  • Work Updates
  • Other Business 
  • Open Forum
    • Design process proposal for further modularization:
      • transaction pooling and block building is a hot topic lately. Justin Florentinewould like to start a design for factoring out block building much like we did with the EVM. What design artifacts should we produce (if any) prior to submitting PRs?
    • Inactivity clause for moving maintainers to emeritus status - the current guide says a quarter of inactivity. Do we want to extend that? 6 months? Longer? 
      > A general measure of inactivity will be no commits or code review comments for one reporting quarter, although this will not be strictly enforced if the maintainer expresses a reasonable intent to continue contributing.
  • Future Topics

View recording: 

  File Modified

PDF File Besu PKI Support.pdf

Nov 23, 2021 by Francesco Andreoli

File BESU-2021-12-21-Recording.transcript.vtt

Dec 21, 2021 by Ry Jones

Text File BESU-2021-12-21-chat.txt

Dec 21, 2021 by Ry Jones

Text File dummyfile.txt Replac ZIP attachments for Atlassian cloud migration

Sept 17, 2024 by Anton Baranov

Text File dummyfile.txt Replac ZIP attachments for Atlassian cloud migration

Sept 17, 2024 by Anton Baranov
