2021-03-02 Besu Contributor Call
2021-03-02 Besu Contributor Call
(Meeting Link: https://consensys.zoom.us/j/524697595)
APAC/AMER Friendly Time - 0100UTC (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20201013T010000&p1=224&p2=179&p3=1440&p4=195&p5=47)
- 6 pm Monday (12 Sep) Los Angeles
- 9 pm Monday (12 Sep) New York
- 1 am Tuesday (13 Sep) UTC
- 3 am Tuesday (13 Sep) Paris/Berlin
- 11 am Tuesday (13 Sep) Brisbane
- Housekeeping
- Antitrust notice - https://www.linuxfoundation.org/antitrust-policy/
- This meeting is being recorded
- Please Mute unless speaking
- If you have a question use the raise hand feature
- General Announcements
- Save the date: Hyperledger Besu Webinar on March 17th 2021. More details TBA.
- Release updates
- 21.1.0 is out
- Berlin support
- Bonsai Tries
- EIP-1898
- And more!
- 21.1.0 is out
- Work Updates
- SECP256R1 support
- Other Business
- Open Forum
- Future Topics
passcode: XfF+9##T
, multiple selections available,