2023-05-03 Aries Working Group Call
2023-05-03 Aries Working Group Call
- DID Peer / Unqualified DIDs
- EUDI ARF / eIDAS 2.0
(7AM Los Angeles, 10AM New York, 3PM London, 4PM CET, 18H Moscow)
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct. |
- Sam Curren (Indicio) <sam@indicio.tech>
- Warren Gallagher (AffinitiQuest) <warren@affinitiquest.io>
- Alexandra Walker (Indicio) <alex.walker@indicio.tech>
- Alex Andrei (RootsID) <alex.andrei@rootsid.com>
- Rodolfo Miranda (RootsID)<rodolfo.miranda@rootsid.com>
- Stephen Curran (BCGov/Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) <swcurran@cloudcompass.ca>
Welcome / Introductions
- June 7-9 https://diceurope.org/
Release Status and Work Updates
- Aries Agent Test Harness -- https://aries-interop.info
- Aries Shared Components - Indy SDK replacements
- Indy Verifiable Date Registry - Ledger Interface https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-vdr
- Release 0.4.0-dev14
- Release 0.5.0 will have breaking changes, including did:indy branch merged into main.
- Aries Askar secure storage - https://github.com/bcgov/aries-askar
- Release 0.2.8
- AnonCreds Rust - https://github.com/hyperledger/anoncreds-rs
- Release 0.1.0-dev15
- Shared Rust Library/CredX (AnonCreds) https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-shared-rs - being replaced by AnonCreds Rust
- Release 0.3.2 tagged
- Indy Verifiable Date Registry - Ledger Interface https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-vdr
- Frameworks:
- Aries-CloudAgent-Python https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-cloudagent-python, Meetings: ACA-Pug Meetings
- 0.8.1 released – focused on the upgrade command, most relevant to multi-use invitations – including mediators.
- New documentation site: https://aca-py.org
- Aries-Framework-JavaScript https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-javascript, Meetings: Framework JS Meetings
- Version 0.3.3 released - https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-javascript/releases
- Version 0.4.0 in progress - https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-javascript/releases/tag/v0.4.0-alpha.87
- Aries VCX (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-vcx, Meetings: Aries-VCX Meetings
- Release 0.53.0 https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-vcx/releases/tag/0.53.0
- Picos as Aries agents (https://github.com/Picolab/aries-cloudagent-pico)
- Phil Windley has students working on a DIDComm v2 version of ACA-Pico
- Less active repos:
- Aries-Framework-Go (Troy) #aries-go (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go, Meetings: aries-framework-go)
- Aries-Framework-DotNet (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-dotnet)
- Aries-CloudAgent-Python https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-cloudagent-python, Meetings: ACA-Pug Meetings
- Mobile:
- Aries Mobile Agent React Native, aka Aries Bifold https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-mobile-agent-react-native, Meetings: Aries Bifold User Group Meetings
- Bifold Summit Happening now – Bifold Summit 2023
- BCGov has realeased an Aries Bifold version, rebranded w/ BC blue/theme/etc (BC wallet)
- Aries-MobileAgent-Xamarin aka Aries MAX (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-mobileagent-xamarin)
- Aries Mobile Agent React Native, aka Aries Bifold https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-mobile-agent-react-native, Meetings: Aries Bifold User Group Meetings
- aries-mediator-service – a DIDComm Mediator in a Box
- aries-endorser-server – an Indy Endorser in a Box (in development)
- Aries-Toolbox
Discussion Topics
- DID Peer Update?
- Alex added PR for Method 3: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/peer-did-method-spec/pull/49
- Unqualified DID Conversion to did:peer:2
- Ursa Status and update
- CL Signatures goes into AnonCreds (anoncreds-clsignatures-rs)
- BLS Signatures goes into Indy (with wrapper) (indy-blssignatures-rs, indy-bls-wrapper-python)
- BBS Signatures goes into Aries (aries-bbssignatures-rs)
- EUDI ARF / eIDAS 2.0
- Links
- https://github.com/eu-digital-identity-wallet/architecture-and-reference-framework/blob/main/arf.md
- Related: https://daniel-hardman.medium.com/big-desks-and-little-people-e1b1b9e92d79
- IIW - Paul Bastian
- Still under discussion
- Some details subject to member states
- eIDAS 2.0 Large Scale pilots:
- Protocols
- SIOPv2
- ISO MDL (18013-5) Proximity Flow
- Cred Formats
ISO 18013-5:2021 (MDoc/MDL) / CBOR+MSO
W3C VC - JSON-LD + LD Proofs
- Etc
- Key storage
- Secure Element, Trusted Execution Environment
- Smart Card
- Remote Backend (HSM)
- Key storage
- Links
- Switzerland projects
Other Business
Future Topics
- Niels Klomp offered a deeper dive into the openid4vc related flows
- Thomas - Nessus DIDComm 0.23.2 First Release
- Wallet abstraction for AcaPy + Nessus native
- Camel Http Endpoint for Nessus agent
- Support for RFC0434 Out-of-Band Invitation V1 & V2
- Support for RFC0023 Did Exchange V1
- Support for RFC0048 Trust Ping V1 & V2
- Support for RFC0095 Basic Message V1 & V2
- CLI to work with supported protocols and model
- State-of-union of Aries projects
- decorator for redirection after proofs. - existing?
Action items
Call Recording
, multiple selections available,