2020-08-14 Aries Framework JS Meeting notes
2020-08-14 Aries Framework JS Meeting notes
- Timo Glastra (ANIMO) <timo@animo.id>
- Karim Stekelenburg (ANIMO) <karim@animo.id>
- Jakub Koci(Absa) <jakub.koci@gmail.com>
- shonjs (KBA) <rush2shon@gmail.com>
Meeting Notes
- Timo Glastra - Inbound / Outbound notation
- https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-javascript/pull/71
- idea: don't return outbound message in handlers, just the agent message
- Jakub
- BuilderNet vs localhost ledger pool for testing purposes (#82)
- Add information about transport layer into message context (#81, feature/transport-context)
Action items
- Timo Glastra Eventually move to GitHub actions
- Start ledger inside CI instead of using builder net
- Timo Glastra Move createOutboundMessage outside of handlers
- Jakub Koci Add environment variable to tests to overwrite path to builderNet genesis file so you can run on a different indy ledger pool
, multiple selections available,