Blocks sign off
Discussion between Egor Ivkov, 武宮誠, Kamil Salakhiev, Nikita Puzankov
In the whitepaper it's mentioned that each peer signs off on a block and forwards it to the proxy tail. Do I understand it correctly that each peer signs all the transactions inside the block, and then proxy tail combines all the peer signatures for each of the transactions in the block and then commits it?
I think it signs the block as a whole
武宮誠 :
More specifically, you sign the hash of the tuple: (prevBlockHash, txMerkleRoot, timestamp)
Be careful not to double hash when signing as well
timestamp is block creation timestamp, right?
Yes, better to rename to created time
武宮誠 :
Yes and the block creator decides it.
Each peer should sign a tuple (previous block hash, transaction merkle root, block created time) before forwarding to the proxy tail. Creation time should be defined by Blocks creator.