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Chaos Monkey Engineering in Umbra Scalability Tests (Hyperledger Mentorship Program)
Support Clique for Besu on HL Labs BAF (Hyperledger Mentorship Program)
Declarative workload behavior definition for Hyperledger Caliper (Hyperledger Mentorship Program)
Global Scouting of DLT / Blockchain Educational Opportunities (Hyperledger Mentorship Program)
Extend secure DID Registry for Hyperledger frameworks on Github/Gitlab (Hyperledger Mentorship Program)
Hyperledger Fabric - Hyperledger Aries Integration to support Fabric as Blockchain ledger (Hyperledger Mentorship Program)
Support Decentralized Governance for Smart Contracts in Fabric Python SDK (Hyperledger Mentorship Program)
Visualization and Analysis of Cross-chain Transactions (Hyperledger Mentorship Program)
Implement cross chain contract invocation using ServiceMesh way (Hyperledger Mentorship Program)