November 18, 2017

November 18, 2017

Hosted by Tom Xing

13:30-17:00, Nov 18, 2017



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13:30-13:40 Opening 致辞 王晓阳 复旦大学计算机科学技术学院 院长 (Xiao Yang Wang, Dean of Fudan CS School)
13:40-14:30 真实业务场景中的企业级区块链技术和解决方案 Enterprise Blockchain and Application In Real Business Scenarioes 黄胜博士,IBM中国研究院 (Sheng Huang, IBM Research)
14:30-15:20 Hyperledger Fabric 架构概述 Hyperledger Fabric Architecture Overview Lance Feagan,IBM中国研究院 (Lance Feagan, IBM Research)
15:20-15:30 茶歇 Tea break N/A
15:30-16:20 基于区块链的数据交易市场 Data Exchange market Enabled by Blockchain 吴杰教授,复旦大学InSTech实验室 (Prof. Jie Wu, Fudan CS School)
16:20-17:00 自由讨论 Open Discussion All attendees

Blockchain is an emerging technology pattern that we believe can radically improve banking, supply chain, and other transaction networks, creating new opportunities for innovation and growth while reducing the cost and risk of related business operations. With the rapid emergence of Bitcoin in the transactions domain since 2009, many businesses and industries have invested significant resources in investigating the underlying technology that powers the popular, yet controversial, cryptocurrency.
The idea of enterprise blockchain is spreading rapidly among academic and industry, taking the technology behind bitcoin to the next level with industry applications and transformations. The enterprise-grade blockchain fabric aims to meet the varied demands of a modern marketplace, capable of handling transactional needs at scale business-ready efficiency. As one of the founders of Hyperledger, the Open Source Project under Linux Foundation, IBM is committed to contribute the core fabric technology to help companies across industries to adopt Enterprise Blockchain. Hyperledger Fabric takes a novel approach to the traditional blockchain model, in part by managing the admission of participants at its core. It is different from other blockchain implementations in several ways. There is an increasing market need for adopting permissioned based network, so the Hyperledger Fabric project would advance blockchain technology to collectively define membership and validated access. In other words, Hyperledger Fabric is a permissioned, distributed, and shared ledger, operating with the help of smart contract (programmable and automated business logic and rules).
In this tutorial, the audience will learn the Enterprise Blockchain Design Principles, Architecture, and Key Features. In addition, lots of usage scenarios and real business solutions of Enterprise Blockchain will also be presented.

Hyperledger Fabric架构概述

Lance Feagan,IBM中国研究院
Hyperledger Fabric 1.0架构分析及设计思想,着重介绍交易流程、扩展性和数据库特性。
Hyperledger Fabric is a platform for distributed ledger solutions, underpinned by a modular architecture delivering high degrees of confidentiality, resiliency, flexibility and scalability. It is designed to support pluggable implementations of different components, and accommodate the complexity and intricacies that exist across the economic ecosystem. In this talk, Lance will discuss the designs and decisions that resulted in the V1.0 architecture with a focus on the novel transaction lifecycle, scalability, and database features of Hyperleger Fabric.

Hyperledger Fabric在数据交易行业中的思考与实践
Data exchange is a sunrise industry, its market demand is growing dramatically. However, as most data exchange transactions are occurred online, it's important to have a consistent ledger to both suppliers and demanders. According the ledger, data exchange market can calculate how many items that data demanders take and generates the payment bill. Currently, data exchange market usually collects transaction logs from the front-sever of both sides to produce the ledge. However, there is a risk that participants may tamper with the business logs, also data exchange market has to bear with the huge cost of storage and network bandwidth.
Blockchain is a possible technology to help make data transaction trustworthy, it can maintain a consistent ledge for participants in data exchange market. However, as the number of concurrent data transaction is large, simply deploying currently blockchain system has performance bottleneck. we propose a prototype using Hyperledger Fabric v1.0 to solve the issue of automatically maintaining a non-tampering and reliable distributed ledgers by writing smart contract in the environment where the participants are distrustful of each other. This allows all participants to store the consistent and complete transaction information in their own servers to simplify the process, save resources and ensure a fair solution of dispute. The prototype system is developed using Shanghai Data Exchange Corp. (SDEC) front-end system, supports millions of concurrent transaction.