Translation Opportunities

Note: We welcome people who are interested in translating content to get involved with the Hyperledger community.  There isn't currently much translation activity happening currently and some of the information on this page is out of date at this point.  If you are interested in translating, reach out to us and we're happy to help.  Send us an email at community-architects at hyperledger dot org.

For community members who want to make more information about Hyperledger available in their own language, we encourage you to help us provide translations for the following videos.

How to provide translations

Please read the YouTube Help article about Contributing translated content to find out the full details for how to submit translations.  The main steps are to:

  1. Go to the video that you want to contribute translations to.
  2. In the player, select the gear icon Settings.
  3. From the drop-down menu, select Subtitles/CC > Add subtitles or CC. You can also get there from under the video player by selecting ...More > Add translations.

After completing a translation, please contact dboswell at linuxfoundation dot org and let him know.  We can then have a conversation with the PR team about promoting out your translation to appropriate language-specific channels.  We may ask for additional help, such as providing text for a tweet in that language.

Videos to translate

We encourage you to consider translating the following videos that include introductions to each of the projects and the keynotes from the Hyperledger Global Forum event in 2018.  If there are other videos that would be useful to translate, let us know and we can enable translation contributions for those too.

Framework Videos

Tool Videos

HGF 2018 Keynote Videos

Introductory Slides

  • Hyperledger Vision – This presentation covers Blockchain 101, About Hyperledger, Industry Use Cases

Bootcamp Material

  • To be added when available

Technical Documentation

  • Visit the Contributing Guide for each Hyperledger project to learn how to translate their technical documentation