2022-02-02 Meeting Notes
2022-02-02 Meeting Notes
- Introductions: some new members!
- What to do for reference implementations (i.e. people asking about good examples where Ursa is used)?
- Lots of issues.
- BLS signatures: great example. Indy plenum calls Ursa through Ursa python and gets BLS signatures.
- BBS+: supposed to be used, but code being copied rather than called. Mike's code should probably be the root of trust? Different vendors may not have wanted to deal with the formalness of Ursa. This is a good issue to address!
- We should structure Ursa better–great for an intern project because no math knowledge is needed.
- Moving the meeting back an hour not to conflict with Aries meeting.
- R1CS PR:
- Needs test code, license headers.
- Concerns that it will be stale: will Mike have time for tests? Cam will ask Mike.
- How to get started: Aries cloud agent.
- Ursa: if you want to play with pure primitives; Aries: if you want to have agents talk to each other.