Mentorship Agenda & Scope

Mentorship Agenda & Scope


1. Hyperledger Explorer User Interface redesign

2. Enhance Blockchain Explorer to accommodate new features for Hyperledger Fabric

3. Iroha 2: blockchain explorer update


  1. A full-fledged functional explorer application with UI that is well tested and documented w.r.t the new features implemented.
    1. Include information on the build and run.
    2. Cleanup the builds that are no more supported.
    3. Delete the previously deprecated Fabric releases.
  2. Config driven data purge based on blockcount (or) duration.
    1. Partial transaction contents to be used in the search interface. The contents can be from state database, ledger (including block).
    2. Type ahead search can be enabled.
  3. Research on metrics and bring up possible metric features.
    1. Usage: Setup alerts for anomalies. Peers have different block heights. A transaction took too long to process.
    2. Examples: Information available for the network participants which are not available within the peer/orderer metric endpoint.
    3. All the UI reported information shall be emitted as a metric. Identify screens and add line items for the mentorship.
    4. Optional: Pluggable UI for having Grafana dashboard within the Explorer.
  4. Compatible with latest release version of fabric.
    1. Docker compose specs in the repository is up to date to support latest version of Fabric (or the previous one).
    2. Explorer to Fabric release tagging.
  5. Improvise the UI Design.
    1. Line items from the UX mentorship.
  6. User Management - Need to avoid administration key dependency in Explorer View.
    1. Integrating with LDAP.
    2. Decouple the admin key requirement.
    3. Revisit Authentication/Authorization. Support OAuth.
  7. Optional Feature: View for generated user credentials.
    1. Connect to Fabric CA and fetch list of all the generated keys.
  8. Role management in the Explorer.
    1. Identify the roles.
    2. Enable role based access mechanism.
  9. Simulate/read capability for chaincode within the Explorer.
  10. [Optional] Alternate UI for transaction management, sending transaction, chaincode deployment operations.
  11. Move the images from the docker hub to GHCR.
  12. Write/modify the test cases to be in-compliant with the newly added features.
  13. [Optional] Look into library approach. Separate core features and design interfaces in the backend. Make it pluggable.

GoalActivityStatusEst. Time of CompletionMilestone
Onboard & Ramp-up

end of JuneOnboarding and Learning/Ramp Up
Data Purging

end of JulyMonthly Checkpoint
User Access Management

end of AugustMonthly Checkpoint
Network Level Observability

Min Yu to confirm

Mid-Term Evaluation (Mentee's Feedback)

end of OctoberMonthly Checkpoint

end of NovemberMonthly Checkpoint

Min Yu  to confirm

Global Meetup: Demo and Showcase

(align to The Linux Foundation's timelines)