| - There is some small issue on the previous project, will finish it today or tomorrow.
- Today checked logs from Konrad, there are some interesting points
- Log synchronization is not going well. Sometimes two entries are overlapping. In the worst case, there is a race condition.
- Found the lost thread on consensus (for more than 1 minute) – look like that it was the thread for the lost node. Seems like that there is a block.
- On the GRPC call, there is a break in the thread for 16 seconds. Seems like that some calls are breaking down, we need to create a network with lost packets between them to get the behaviour and change in flow in such situation.
- Today will perform the experiment with the lost packets. Will build and debug Iroha, with the watchdog thread.
- Logs look like that we have unexpected locks in our threads.
- Kamil Salakhiev : Do we have some kind of threading control mechanism?
- GRPC is not limited by thread number, so it creates new ones when needed.
- We can do parallel logic, but we should keep the synchronized state.