2020-11-02 Meeting notes

2020-11-02 Meeting notes



Discussion items

Stepan Lavrentev
  • Restored the problematic case on the longevity stand. Added issue description with logs to the backlog.
    • There is also a link to Grafana to check resource graphs
    • The issue happens because of the unexpected reload of the peer
  • Currently, we have restored the blockstore, but peers are not synchronizing between each other
  • Created a task to fix the issue with environment variables
    • Mikhail started an investigation, created autotest to cover such an issue
  • Proceeding with the regression testing.
    • Making test cases and following them, simultaneously sharing knowledge with other team members.
  • Currently, we have a problem with the build of Iroha with tests, because of too much resource consuming.
    • Now I am trying to find a solution on how to minimize the memory consumption
    • The linker is currently taking too much memory, I am trying to analyze the situation with different tools
    • LinuxONE server has 8Gb of RAM, which is not enough
  • Also, we have a PR with the update of the documentation, which needs to be merged to make CI finish successfully
  • After finishing the problem with build memory consumption, will switch to the investigation of the problem with the longevity stand
    • Stepan: We have a month to get the data from Grafana before it becomes outdated