2020-06-04 Status meeting notes



Discussion items

  • Burrow-related error handling: update finished, now all Iroha errors will be propagated.
  • Added tests on the rainy-day cases for the changes.
  • Михаил Болдырев > Will take care of the segfaulting test
  • Will be on vacation from Monday (will be available for questions)
Михаил Болдырев  
  • Fixed all comments, except the reuse WSV
  • On the reuse WSV, there is a problem with CI, will fix it soon
  • There are some questions regarding PRs
    • Closed several outdated PRs: localization, transaction logging
    • Merged PRs with documentation update
    • Merged PR with the variant optimization
  • Will proceed with PR for ordering query, there are some questions
  • There are several open PR in draft state, which are very old. We need to close them or apply them.
  • There is an issue with the PR related to the documentation links to the master branch

Action items
