Who | Notes |
| - Regarding the graceful shutdown in case of issues with the connection to DB, we can do it quite fast.
- We will proceed with that "workaround" using whitelist for acceptable exceptions, which should be ignored. All other exceptions should lead to restart/reconnect of Iroha.
- Михаил Болдырев There is a risk that text-based workaround will cause many troubles in case of changes in messages.
- Vadim Reutskiy We should consider the flag or configuration parameter for enabling and disabling that workaround
- Михаил Болдырев We can also think about dividing the problem into two: network-based and DB connection based.
- Vadim Reutskiy Let's do it in "blacklist" of exceptions, which must lead to the reconnect.
- Михаил Болдырев I have already added a method which takes the exception when we can add that logic for analysis of the exception text.
- I will take care of that issue. But currently, I am working on personal tasks. Optimistically will take the task after September 28.
- Checked the environment variables, it can be done in 8 hours approximately.
| - I will probably take care of the DB task if will have time on vacation.
| - Fixed build documentation
- Fixed Katacoda link
- Fixed localization link
- Will add information about the contribution to localization
- Then will merge the localization PR
- Finished TSC proposals, now waiting for the voting step
Stepan Lavrentev | - There is an issue with Iroha on the Longevity stand, we need to investigate. Will gather data and then we can check.