2020 05 08 DWG Agenda

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Eastern Hemisphere call

  1. Discussion on Malayalam language translation
    1. Thanks for so many attendees today, and your interest
    2. Helpful links
      1. Features under development: https://jira.hyperledger.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10104
      2. Long Term support : https://github.com/denyeart/fabric-rfcs/blob/a4fb4531bbad78c0d0b4180c324b8b1ff937f9e6/text/0000-lts-release-strategy.md
      3. Chinese Language docs in Hyperledger labs repo : https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/fabric-docs-cn/tree/master/docs
      4. Current docs: https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/release-2.1/whatis.html
      5. Docs folder in 2.1 release: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/tree/release-2.1/docs
      6. Source folder mapping to Fabric TOC: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/tree/master/docs/source
      7. Root file for docs: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/blob/master/docs/source/ledger.rst
      8. How to build docs locally: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/tree/master/docs#documentation-readme
      9. Git book: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2
    3. We discussed how the Malayalam doc workgroup team (MDW) could create a language repo similar to CN repo
    4. Discussed how MDW team should get started by cloning Fabric to local machine and become comfortable with local doc builds and doc structure
    5. Agreed to start with V2.1 translation
    6. Quick overview of PO/POT translation files, but will cover this next week
    7. Encouraged student collaboration
    8. Ask questions on mailing list if you get stuck and people will help!
    9. Next week's call will take a checkpoint on progress and walk through PO/POT in detail
    10. Recording of call in Recordings

Western Hemisphere call

  1. Release status: no new items/updates in the list.
    1. mirBFT - all nodes contribute rather than leader/follower pattern.
    2. Channel participation API - allow networks to run w/o a system channel
    3. cfg trx library - tooling to all channel updates without configtxlatr
    4. network deployment topic - we will discuss on this call
    5. GO SDK - maybe end of June. Jim: There was an email on the ML about Java SDK significant performance difference (slower).
    6. snapshot and checkpoint is now in an rfc
    7.  Replace BYFN - waiting on merge of create a channel tutorial. Planning to remove BYFN from  next Fabric release 2.2
  2. Pam updated deployment guide based on comments from Maintainers.
  3. Joe has a PR now for the Using CA instructions which focus on the steps to register and enroll identities after you configure a CA.
  4. Anthony met with interested translators from India, see minutes above.
  5. Review of Chris' video from last week.
    1. Agreement that this is what we need for using Fabric "in the wild". Video uses miniKube, last weeks called used Digital Ocean. See his GitHub repo here https://github.com/denali49/fabric-ca-k8s with a YouTube link at the top.
    2. See the meeting recording from last week(5-1-20) for the instructions with digital ocean.
  6. Internals doc review.  - low-level design for Fabric v1.4.
    1. What would be the best thing to do with this material? Who keeps it updated?
    2. Jim: Can we just link to this content from the Fabric docs, with a caveat or deprecated tag  ( "Deprecated HLF Architecture information.") around it. Original .ppt slide deck is in the that github repo under assets that you can download. Useful conceptual diagrams in the ppts.  
    3. Pam: Would it make any sense to link to it from the Fabric v1.4 Arch reference topic.
    4. Jim: some content might still even be useful from Fabric 2.0.
    5. Joe: Be careful. Do no harm. If the content is wrong - not updated...
    6. Jim: There may be some valid content in here to understand fabric internals even if you are using Fabric 2.0.
    7. Nik: would it be appropriate in Medium article or in a HLF Meetup - grow the info ecosystem without depending on the docs.
  7. Joe: Using a CA prhttps://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-ca/pull/145 -
    1. provides link between deploying a CA and deploying a peer.
    2. this doc only deals with registering and enrolling identities
    3. it also has a good discussion about the use of Node OUs.
    4. joe is currently addressing the comments in the doc.
    5. pathing: need to add guidance/mapping that explains how you build your cert paths. Certificate pathing and name have to match what is running.
    6. Chris: you can let your enroll command create the msp and then you can go back add the config.yaml file, before you start your peer or ordering node.
    7. Joe: I thought the CA was using the config.yaml when it creates the certs (i.e. before the msp is added.... )
    8. Nik: Don't think so. The config.yaml file is used by the fabric channels, so I believe you can add it after the msp is created. All four lines need to be in the channel MSP, but all 4 are not needed for the user identities, but they don't hurt. If they are an admin, then they need the admin node OUs.
    9. registration is the same process you just need to override this provided set of variables.
    10. ditto for enrollment.
    11. Just because enrollment is done, you still have to build the channel and node MSP.
    12. Chris: SeeFabric sample master https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hyperledger/fabric-samples/master/test-network/organizations/fabric-ca/registerEnroll.sh. See enroll command followed by adding config.yaml to /msp folder.
    13. Chris: Reminder: the docs need to say that the MSP pathing in the NodeOU config.yaml has to match where it lives, for example:
      1. NodeOUs:
 Enable: true
 Certificate: "cacerts/0-0-0-0-7054.pem"
 OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: "client"
 Certificate: "cacerts/0-0-0-0-7054.pem"
 OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: "peer"
 Certificate: "cacerts/0-0-0-0-7054.pem"
 OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: "admin"
 Certificate: "cacerts/0-0-0-0-7054.pem"
 OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: "orderer"
    14. Take a look and add your comments to the PR!
  8. Pam: Anybody using Windows to run Fabric? I removed the Windows 7 prereqs at the request of the maintainers. Windows 10 is still there. Can it be completely removed from the prereqs instructions?
    1. Chris: Well it is called THE LINUX FOUNDATION... (smile)

Video of this week's session at: Recordings

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