Platform of Integration IA, IoT industrial and Blockchain



Project Members


Project Description (no more than 1,000 words including graphics)

The proposal of our project is to use in electricity generation systems that use renewable sources such as solar photovoltaic and wind, in the Administration, Operation and Maintenance predictive and corrective, of these systems integrating software and hardware using Artificial Intelligence, industrial IoT and Blockchain, making these more efficient, flexible and secure.


a. Describe the problem

We do not find a product on the market that is designed to integrate three disruptive technologies, to manage, operate and do predictive and corrective maintenance of power generation systems with non-conventional energy sources that help reduce fuel use fossil fuels and in the decarbonization of energy production, making these systems increasingly more efficient and therefore collaborating in reducing global warming.

b. Explain why existing solutions are inadequate.

There is no specific product on the market for what we are proposing

c. Describe the competitive landscape.
We find large companies worldwide that have similar products and developments such as SIEMENS, ABB, LEGRAN, SCHNEIDER, but do not have products specifically listed with AOM


a. describe the solution

Integration of Artificial Intelligence with a neural network not only to extract information or data, ensuring a complete automation of the system, which will learn and make autonomous decisions taken from the industrial IoT with embedded systems and with the Blockchain, we ensure the generation of tokens or transactions and the adoption of intelligent contracts in the administration, operation and corrective and predictive maintenance Applied to electrical generation systems that work with non-conventional energy sources such as photovoltaic solar energy or wind energy in distributed systems, intelligent networks, distributed measurement systems with or without of storage (Batteries), initially from 0.003 MVA to 5 MVA and moving towards electric adoption digital 4.0.

b. Explain why your solution is better than current state-of-the-art or existing solutions

the proposed solution is the best option in AOM, since there is no product that has these characteristics, in addition to integrating the blockchain to the industrial part and having flexibility to be able to scale it and easily integrate new developments

c. Define the minimum viable product and what you anticipate will be developed during the prototype phase

The minimum viable product is for an industrial electricity generation system that uses non-conventional three-phase energy sources of 0.03 MVA, with product and development certifications and blockchain integration, in addition to fully automating system management.

Accomplishment and Team

a. Brag about your team

Rigoberto Gómez Jaimes Electrical Engineer, 20 years of experience CEO and Fredy Baquero Venegas Electrical Engineer CIO, interdisciplinary development team 1 Electronic engineer for hardware development, a Systems Engineer for software development and implementation of the idea of business.

b. Identify talent/resource gaps and needs (Do you need more support developing the blockchain solution? Do you need support with front end development? Do you need support developing the business model?)

  • we have gaps in the development of the idea since the personnel that make up the development team have had to learn on the fly and do not have enough expertise to make it possible for us to advance further in the business.
  • we need support to develop the blockchain and move quickly in the creation of the prototype.
  • for hardware we are looking for the best option, for this reason, it is not clear which company and embedded system is going to be used.
  • For the business model, we are thinking of using the B2B sales method, since the end customer is the one who will give the guidelines and create the AOM system, but since we are in the early stage of the business idea, it is necessary to have support in the business model.

Project Plan.

a. Define the goals for prototype and launch phases and a one-year goal

  • first three months tests different hardware, start to work on the blockchain and the software of the selected hardware.
  • six months have defined the hardware and software of AI and industrial IoT, be working on the development of the idea and the chain of blocks.
  • 9 months have the functional prototype, start product certification test and software development.
  • 12 months to have a prototype working 100%, show it at a business fair in the sector, have the first sale.Provide a high level plan to meet your goals

b. Provide a high level plan to meet your goals

  • get a work team, with experience and committed to the development and implementation of the business idea.
  • personnel resources by AIGELEC SAS will be maintained until the prototype is working and scalable in the first twelve months.
  • obtain money resources so that the prototype is functional and scalable in the first twelve months, to obtain certifications of the prototype.
  • dedicate 100% of time and resources so that in twelve months we already have the first sale and begin to attract more customers.

c. Describe development risk and mitigation strategies


  • I did not find qualified experts or those willing to work on the development and implementation of the startup
  • not being able to integrate these technologies either by hardware or software or that the development takes more time than projected for the first twelve months
  • not getting enough financial resources to certify the prototype and travel to different fairs in the sector to show the progress made

Mitigation of risk

  • Find qualified experts or those willing to work on the development and implementation of the startup.
  • work for the integrate this technologies for the development takes time than projected for the first twelve months.
  • Obtain financial resources to certify the prototype and travel to different fairs in the sector.