Ideate Challenge

Ideate Challenge OPEN for submissions

The Ideate Challenge is now OPEN for submissions. To be considered, please create a submission here. Submissions will be accepted until March 15th, 2022 (globally) and March 31st, 2022 (for China region). 

Ideate Challenge Timeline: 

  • January 18: Ideate submission opens
  • March 15: Ideate submission ends (globally), March 31 (for China region)
  • March 1-15: Ideate submission evaluation and mentor assignment

Ideate Challenge Overview:

Innovators IDENTIFY a concept that advances the current state-of-the-art of enterprise-grade distributed ledger technologies leveraging one or more Hyperledger projects. The proposed concept must clearly articulate a solution-market fit where the solution fulfills a market need.

Ideate Challenge Submission Requirements:

  1. Project Name
  2. Innovation Tagline (e.g., mission statement for your project - be creative!)
  3. List the Hyperledger Project(s) (e.g., Hyperledger Projects that will be leveraged to develop your solution) 
  4. Project Members
    1. Name
    2. Email
    3. Social Media Links (linkedin, github, twitter, etc.)
    4. Project Keywords (#hashtags)
  5. Project Description (no more than 3 pages or 1,000 words including graphics)
    1. Please describe your project, make sure to be as detailed as possible. If your proposal is technical, please include a high-level description of the technical specifications. Include graphics, links, videos, and any other resources
  6. Problem 
    1. Describe the problem
    2. Explain why existing solutions are inadequate
    3. Describe the competitive landscape
  7. Solution
    1. Describe the solution
    2. Explain why your solution is better than current state-of-the-art or existing solutions
    3. Define the minimum viable product and what you anticipate will be developed during the prototype phase.
  8. Accomplishment and Team
    1. Brag about your team
    2. Identify talent/resource gaps and needs (Do you need more support developing the blockchain solution? Do you need support with front end development? Do you need support developing the business model?)
  9. Project Plan
    1. Define goals for prototype and launch phases and a one-year goal
    2. Provide a high level plan to meet your goals
    3. Describe development risks and mitigation strategies