Contribute-a-Thon Indy specifics

Reward & Recognition :

For BAF we plan to explore virtual rewards :

#Options for Reward & RecognitionDescriptionCan do today?Cost?
1Award contribution certificatesEach contributor gets a certificate of contribution/participation from Hyperledger labsyesNo
2Give vouchers or creditsDiscount vouchers to be used across Hyperledger certificationsyesYes
3Recognize in a newsletter A newsletter featuring the contributors is publishedyesNo
4Digital badge Digital badge that can we used on social network profile pics maybeTBD
5Give subscriptions to coursesFor eg. pluralsight etc.noyes
6Tech magazines annual/half year subscriptions

Duration :

1 sprint or even lesser 

What are the team's needs:

What could community members do to help BAF?

  • They would become users
  • They would fix bugs or they would create new features
  • They would create documentation and/or translate documentation
  • They would become evangelists (for example someone could give a BAF presentation to a meetup in a language or in a time zone that BAF team members can't do)

Contributor challenges:

  • There is a learning curve – for example, people need to know Ansible, Kubernetes, etc in order to get started

Scope :

  1. Technical tasks / issues on Github 
    1. Contributor pathway: (for example: read this blog post, go to the list of good first issues, etc)
    2. Contributor persona: (for example: someone already familiar with Kubernetes)
  2. Article in an online publishing forum such as Medium
  3. Blogpost 
  4. Deployment video
  5. Custom digital badges?


  A deploy-a-thon is like a hack-a-thon; however, instead of focusing on  building an application or a working piece of code, it is focused on deploying a network .

Deploy-a-thon : Pathways based on Personas : 

Persona : HL Fabric Developer / User / Operator  

Persona : R3 Corda Developer / User / Operator

Persona : HL INDY Developer / User / Operator

Persona : Quorum Developer / User / Operator


Pre Phase:

Intro blog post to raise awareness (written by BAF team)

Intro pre-recorded video for blog post, social sharing (created by BAF team – done already for Consensus event)

Intro presentation to a webinar or meetup (presented by BAF team, organized by Hyperledger staff) – Meetup or video on BAF, why it was created, what it aims to achieve to raise awareness

Email campaign (staff to repurpose content from blog post)

Social (staff to repurpose content from blog post)

During Phase:

Social (staff to repurpose content from blog post)

Email campaign (staff to repurpose content from blog post)

Blog post to highlight work that has been done and draw interest for others to get involved (written by BAF team)

Homepage mention (HL staff owns)

Post Phase:

Blog post to recap results (written by BAF team)

Planning :

1Create a contribution pathway we want to use in the campaign – what are the steps we want people to take?  For example, read this blog post > clone BAF repository > pick a good first issue > raise a pull request > until the Pull request is merged // possibly different pathways for different personas In progress
2Organize Enablement workshops to make community aware of pre-requisites of using BAF and improve the documentation and scripts from the feedbacks.Done
3Create a good amount of "Good First Issues" to create a healthy repository of independent issues to work uponIn Progress
4Review the information currently available about how someone can contribute to BAF and update or add more details and create new assets as needed.In Progress
5Reach out to partners (all DLT platform partners) to spread awareness on project and contribute-a-thonTo Be started
6Create a task force of maintainers and key contributors to monitor the number of issues, review the pull requests as they come and answer queries on chat.In Progress
7Discuss on how to handle certain "What if" scenarios. 1) Too many pull requests, how to merge the code, 2) many people pick the same issue to work on, should that be controlled at the onset or the best code wins?In Progress
8Discuss on campaign shout outs during the event (tweets, publishing a daily leader board until the event, etc.)To Be started
9Determine how you will handle additions by contributors for items that were not in the original list of "known" issuesTo Be started
10Establish a set of metrics we will use to track success of the campaign and contribute-a-thon and create a baseline report to show contribution levels before campaign starts so
 that a post event metric comparison can help define the outcomes.
In Progress