Confluence Calendar Plugin Notes

Confluence Calendar Plugin Notes

Here's some info on existing Calendar Plugin Apps for Confluence

There are multiple calendar plugins available in the Confluence marketplace.

There are a few good candidates, one of which is lower cost than the others

There also is an option conceptually to embed an iFrame control in Confluence that calls a standard Google Calendar

Google Calendar Page Macro

This app is billable starting about $.25 per month per registered user

Some calendars found in the Manage Apps Confluence Marketplace


The Google Calendar plugin is free but only works for the server version - not the cloud version


The Google Calendar plugin for the server version is referenced here:


Google Team Calendars ( from Atlassian )


This plugin is from Atlassian

While it is expensive ( about $30 per year per registered user ), there may be discounts for a non-profit organization.

This plugin has some constraints as well for Jira

Team Calendars for Confluence provides one place for fast-moving teams working in Confluence to stay in sync – so they know who’s doing what and when. Teams can stay organized and communicate availability with a schedule of personal and team events linked to their personal calendars and Confluence pages. Sync Team Calendars for Confluence with Outlook, Google Calendar (Android) and Apple Calendar.

Visit the Atlassian website to learn more.

Plugin Dependency - To enable the Jira Software integration features for Team Calendars for Confluence you must install the Team Calendars for Confluence for Jira Integration Plugin in Jira. This plugin is bundled in Jira 4.4.x and or later.

After installing the app on a page, it shows either a 7 day or a 30 day list of events

If I select any event in the list, it opens a new window showing the standard Google Calendar with all the options I normally have.

Here, I can add subscriptions to other calendars, import calendar events etc - everything we normally do in Google Calendar

Overall not a bad solution and reasonably affordable compared to other Google Calendar plugins

Let me know your thoughts if you have tried any of these in the comments - thanks ..

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