Fabric Private Chaincode - Enhancing Chaincode Privacy in Hyperledger Fabric using Intel SGX
overview of the project and demo
how to use the run the code on github and how to create your first application
discussion on use cases
discussion (and possibly hackathon) on best integration strategies with new Fabric chaincode lifecycle
Upgrade fabric-chaincode-evm to latest Burrow (some minor interface changes)
Upgrade sawtooth-seth (unfork!) to latest Burrow
Discuss WASM extern standards... we have sabre/transact, eWASM, pWASM, etc. I think this needs an auxiliary answer other than 'just use transact' to interop with wider blockchain WASM users.
Something with Burrow's new web3 RPC! Including raw transactions (e.g. metamask works)
Implementing 'timing oracle' contract using Burrow SNatives - get time from a trusted group of Burrow validators - find a way to make work in other frameworks
Burrow keys is becoming 'burrow warren' a wallet/light client. Can we integrate with Aries? What about GPG backends?
Public Ethereum 2-way-peg/connectivity (with Besu team?) in Burrow
Contribution processes
I know it sounds kind of dry but getting a quick overview of the PR process for each project might be enlightening and help suggest some best practices. {CBF: would like to discuss potential for aligning all projects around a single Git flow model to reduce barriers to cross-project collaboration).
Project code and management tooling
SCM and code reviews - e.g. Gerrit versus vanilla GitHub
Issue tracking - e.g. Jira versus vanilla GitHub
CI - e.g. Jenkins versus Azure Pipelines versus GitHub actions
Discuss common repo structure
Also probably sounds dry but useful to get everyone on a common repo language.
Aries Introduction
Sovrin Intro Slides
Aries Status Update
How Aries works with your ledger.
Broad Interest in DID Communication, collaboration with the DIF community.
What encryption/signing is needed from Ursa?
Ursa - Quantify binding overhead viz. potential adoption by Fabric
Gary asked about the overhead to work though the c binding in the last TSC meeting.
Determine most likely usage (e.g. ECDSA signature generation and verification)
Hack together a quick test to compare Rust v Go for that usage
Sketch out RFCs for interfaces that projects want.
Build generic elliptic curve group testing tools.
Recap and Report
Quick report out on accomplishments of the summit
Include list of recommendations if any, for decision items to TSC.
Disseminate any project recommendations to project lists (i.e. we are not making decisions at the event)