Basic Info
Time: 18:00 Every Friday PST (UTC-7)
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar: https://zoom.us/meeting/tJwkc-2oqDgsE9RLmd0AwOltrBhSKjG3jEnp/ics?icsToken=98tyKuCgpz8uGtKWthCHRow-HY-gLPTwpnZdj_pvsBLhUwFETQ_iJMBKAZl1N4va- Meeting links:
- Project Wiki Page https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/cello/
- In Process issues https://github.com/hyperledger/cello/projects/1#column-6892634
- User dashboard API:
- API-engine API docs: Cello API-Engine API
- Agent API:
- Add wikipage: https://github.com/hyperledger/cello/wiki/Debug-cello-by-container
- Start service workflow is up to date: https://github.com/hyperledger/cello#quick-start
Please input your name before the meeting
- Baohua Yang: yangbaohua@gmail.com
- Xichen Pan: xichen.pan@gmail.com
- feng yang : fengyang.09186@h3c.com
- panhaowen789: panhaowen789@gmail.com
- Xiao Ran : xiaor2@illinois.edu
- Yun Gu :nerokucn@gmail.com
- Haibo Yang : haiboyang@uscb.edu
- Haoyu Li: haoyuli1697@gmail.com
PR this week
- Release plan 1.1.0 Q3 of 2024
- chaincode (wait till channel can add org): feng yang will draft a design spec first
- UI behavior design of chaincode lifecycle: Xichen Pan feng yang
- Chaincode frontend design: Chaincode Frontend Design: Approved.
- Xichen Pan lead the backend API discussion.
- Backend API Design: Yuanmao Zhu
- FE Implementation: Code is done. Issue: connect to BE.
- feng yang Xichen Pan will lead. Xiao Ran will continue to work on the OSS project in 2024
- Xichen Pan has done the dashboard page, split based on operations to let interns join the work. https://github.com/umijs/umi
- BE Implementation: ETA 4 PW, yun gu, xiao ran
- part 1 to test APIs: yun gu will continue and check how many APIs are left.
- part 2 to fix the implementation.
- Yuanmao Zhu Xichen Pan will lead. Yun Gu panhaowen789
- Yuanmao Zhu will have one API work as a sample, split the work based on APIs to let interns join the work.
- package, install, approve, commit, invoke/query
- UI behavior design of chaincode lifecycle: Xichen Pan feng yang
- chaincode (wait till channel can add org): feng yang will draft a design spec first
- feng yang : https://github.com/hyperledger/cello/issues/602, need to add the design spec in sep.
- Yuanmao Zhu : on leave
Working with Xiao Ran for the install issue: https://github.com/hyperledger/cello/issues/621. Test to run commands with peer cli.
- Focus on class in Aug, will graduate in Nov.
- Xiao Ran : absent
- feng yang suggest revise the creating peer node API:
- Only create one peer with the specified name
- Yuanmao Zhu will help fix the issue
- feng yang suggests:
- When downloading channel config, remove the hint of downloading succeed
- When creating channel, no need to edit orderer nodes
- When updating the channel (add an org), why need to input the msp_id? Need to update the steps into docs.
- Intern plan: Project Plan - Decentralized Blockchain Network Operation Dashboard
- Haibo Yang: on leave today
- upgrading node js to v20, and remove netlify-lambda lib.
- Docker image for HLF v2.5 (latest is v2.5.9): update all required images
- https://github.com/hyperledger/cello/pull/627: Suggest upgrade node.js to 20+, lots of changes are needed. https://github.com/hyperledger/cello/pull/628
- The https://www.npmjs.com/package/netlify-lambda is deprecated, need to replace to https://github.com/netlify/cli.
- haoyu li 2nd year master of UIUC, still reading the docs.
- Hyperledger Fabric, Cello (create, operate, use)
- Reading code from BE side
- Haibo Yang: on leave today
- Hyperledger Maintainer Days on Oct 21-22 in San Francisco
- Xichen Pan may attend.
New Fabric Cli RPC Server Yuanmao Zhu : Use restful API first (to replace the rpc call, which is good for large-scale)arch: https://excalidraw.com/#json=KOxuJqTyxXY2cpuFHDnFj,qJqkiXqeu38C4u2-zms-1wrequirement:api-engine client - RPC Server communicationlib: gRPCAPI designContainer configTodo: check different SDKs and decide language for the server
Questions:API Engine can use restful API to call the fabric operator? YESThe operator will use which SDK?
- Others
- TODO: update HLF version from 2.2 LTS → 2.5 LTS
- HLF 2.5.0 is released.
- TODO: integrate hlf-operator into Cello as the k8s agent.
- feng yang mentioned that the release-0.9.0-h3c branch may contain some k8s APIs and code
- TODO: update HLF version from 2.2 LTS → 2.5 LTS
, multiple selections available,
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