2019-04-17 Minutes
2019-04-17 Minutes
Hyperledger Caliper Project
Community Regular Meeting
April 17, 2019 (8am – 9am UTC)
via Zoom
Attila Klenik , Nick Lincoln, Yu Pan, Qinghui Hou.
- Caliper roadmap and TODO list were reviewed, Attila asked what `backend simulation` means, and the detailed documentation task has been assigned to him.
2. Qinghui introduced the fabric interoperation meeting’ agenda, and share the doc https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/fabric/Interop+Test and https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/fabric/Interop+Patterns
3. Nick is refactoring the caliper npm package, and he want to talk with others about the npm name and structures.
4. The task `integrate with grafana` is assigned to Panyu.
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