2019-04-03 Minutes

Hyperledger Caliper Project
Community Regular Meeting
April 3, 2019 (8am – 9am UTC)
via Zoom

Kent G LAU, Nick Lincoln, Yu Pan, Qinghui Hou.

1. Nick has finished the fabric part of the caliper refactoring, and he is working on the composer part now.
2. Kent introduced an aticle about peer performance and channel performance. The url is https://www.ibm.com/blogs/blockchain/2019/04/does-hyperledger-fabric-perform-at-scale/. And introduced the Interoperability Between Fabric Networks, the PPT address is https://jira.hyperledger.org/secure/attachment/17053/fabric-interoperability-v3.pptx.
3. Panyu has resolved the tps bug, and submitted the PR.
4. Hou has finished the code of iroah adaptor, and is doing code test.
5. We should join the PSWG meeting every week.