2023-01-30 Meeting Agenda

2023-01-30 Meeting Agenda

Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct.

Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct


The hyperledger/cacti  repository will be created this week, including and aggregating the hyperledger/cactus  and hyperledger-labs/weaver-dlt-interoperability  code bases. Future refactoring will result in an integrated architecture, code modules, and documentation.


  • Final review of the merge steps as outlined in the "Plan to Create the Cacti Repository and Migrate (Import) Weaver Into Cacti" section in Cacti Renaming Checklist
  • Immediate and near-term tasks (PRs) post-creation of the Cacti repository
    • Creation of a common README page briefly talking about the Cacti vision, history, and architecture (different stages of integration), with links to the November Cacti blog post and to the Cactus and Weaver READMEs
    • Moving Weaver Github workflows to be Cacti Github workflows (in the first code drop, the workflows will lie in a weaver  sub-folder and hence inoperative)
    • Publish packages to a common Cacti namespace
    • Publish documentation to a unified website (e.g., Docusaurus, at least temporarily)
    • Add roadmap for Q1 and Q2 2023 with Cactus, Weaver, and integration feature targets
  • Think about the readiness for Cacti to be a graduated Hyperledger project and craft a pitch

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