2020-07-06 Cactus Maintainers Meeting Notes
2020-07-06 Cactus Maintainers Meeting Notes
Discussion items
- Documentation repository
- Objective to make documentation more accessible
- Initially Documentation in Hyperledger was stored in Confluence, but trend has moved to readthedocs
- Readthedocs.io has free tier that could be utilized
- Doris Benda volunteered to explore setting up
- Issue #221 created
- PR Review
- PR #217 - Approved, longer discussion on how to further embed / enhance trust, which will continue to be a priority during Cactus development. Clive volunteered to document further ideas for review.
- PR #194 - To-be approved with the one terminology change requested by Peter
- PR #215 - Draft, further discussion on Shingo feedback and expect that we will discuss further
, multiple selections available,