


Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct

Basic Info

08:00 PM - 09:00 PM, Wednesday, Bi-weekly (GMT+8)

Antitrust Policy Notice

On-duty Chair: david liu


Feel free to add ur name here to attend the meeting.


  1. HouseKeep
    1. Attendee sign up
    2. 如何让我们的变得更加开放,透明? 
    3. 如何降低社区爱好者贡献twgc的门槛?
    4. TWGC项目孵化 (github.com)
  2. Team development and Innovation J Guo , david liu )

    1. Fabric 2.4.0-alpha: 新增peer层面的Fabric-Gateway功能(preview阶段)
    2. https://github.com/raftAtGit/hl-fabric-operator
  3. Team i18n and Education ( Yang Cheng )

    1. Fabric 翻译仓库地址 https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-docs-i18n
      1. 欢迎认领issue https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-docs-i18n/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3AzhCN-docs-ongoing
      2. 文档翻译提交方式更新,
      3. 翻译文档正在逐步开始更新至 v2.2.2
      4. 尝试pontoon翻译工具
    2. Hyperledger-TWGC/Learning-Material
      1. pin this to Github Top
  4. Team Collaboration and Scenarios (Dorothy Cheng, Scott Long )

    1. Fabric国密改造开放治理项目 david liu , sam yuan   
      1. Hyperledger-TWGC/fabric-evaluation-JRT0184: 解析《金融分布式账本技术安全规范》 (github.com) RC1
    2. Fabric性能优化开放治理项目 Yang Chengsam yuan qiang xu
      1. new sdk project  剑南已开始写代码
      2. 简化版Fabric(运维简化?功能简化?需要考虑) 剑南,陈楷
        1. 协议上兼容
        2. 协议上不兼容
        3. 优化Fabric
      3. Tape 贡献者招募,正在考虑增加部分新功能(如:根据规则动态生成入参)
  5. Team Event Organization (J Guo , Scott Long )

    1. BAF event  david liu 线上活动,4月23日
  6. Others
    1. Climate Action and Accounting SIG Home
    2. cross-chain SIG incubation
      1. CrossMesh incubation GrapeBaba 
    3. TWGC Github Pages TODO
    4. Review Probe Graphana into TWGC (TBD)
    5. Fabric 迁移到Github Workflow 
