Basic Info
10AM~11AM, Wednesday, Bi-weekly (GMT+8)
- Option #1: Use computer to access zoom (Recommend using microphone and headset)
Option #2: Dial in with the phone number. E.g., 400 669 9381 or 010-87833177 (Premium Toll) for China area, code is 248676399.
On-duty chair: Jay Guo
- Baohua Yang
- Zhenhua Zhao
- J Guo
- Scott Long
- 郭立冬
- TopJohn
- david liu
- GrapeBaba
- Vicky Wang
- Dorothy Cheng
- Yang Cheng
- allenshao
- Peng Du
- Zhong TIAN
Wiki: https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/TWGC/
Mail list: twg-china@lists.hyperledger.org
Meetings: Group Meetings
- Hyperledger Transact Proposal
https://docs.google.com/document/d/13d0cMReGOhK13BbdgMOFZy_prUzqWBXWc4nlI7mehpY/edit - expecting more participation from Asia
- more engagement via Rocket.Chat/Mailing list
- Hyperledger Transact Proposal
Team development and Innovation (@Dijun Liu, TopJohn , david liu , )
- official fabric 1.4.1 Raft
- 2.0.0 alpha (david liu suggested to prolong 2.0.0-alpha to collect more feedbacks)
Team i18n and Education (郭立冬 )
- Started experimenting with transifex
- Mutli-Language Support Proposal, welcome to comment Multi-Language Support Proposal (Zhenhua Zhao )
Team Event Organization (J Guo , Zhenhua Zhao )
Beijing: Postponed to May due to public holidays
- Hangzhou: April 26th (Fri)
- Shanghai postponed to May
- HongKong Meetup about Iroha
- david liu will create a Meetup.com group for China
- Others
- Yang Cheng is nominated as Active member.