2018 07 26 TSC Meeting

Hyperledger Project

Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting


July 26, 2018 (7:00am - 8:00am PT)via GoToMeeting

TSC Members

Arnaud Le Hors


Baohua Yang


Binh Nguyen


Christopher Ferris


Dan Middleton


Greg Haskins

Hart Montgomery


Jonathan Levi

Kelly Olson


Mic Bowman


Nathan George


Cancelling next week’s TSC meeting (8/2) due to light agenda


  • Next Hackfest -- October 3-4 | Montreal (registration)

  • Q1 2019 -- planning for APAC (likely Hong Kong or Singapore)

  • Annual TSC Election timing & process (nominations begin August 9th)

    • Please double check that your name/email is on the eligibility list (and correct), we will consider the list final at 5pm PT on Wednesday, August 8th.

Quarterly project updates

  • Nikolay Yushkevich provided the Hyperledger Iroha update

    • A question was raised regarding progress to compare the various DLTs (in general, not directed for Iroha to answer).

      • Comment that little progress has been made as it is difficult to fit the various projects into a narrow decision tree; could have adverse effect on collaboration

      • Suggestion made to continue work on increased componentization and highlighting the areas for collaboration

      • Suggestion made to focus comparison efforts on which problems the various platforms are trying to address.

    • A request was made from Sawtooth team to connect with Iroha to discuss consensus

    • A request was made for the Iroha team to participate in the Identity WG discussion to contribute to the section of their efforts dealing with various DLTs -- need input from Iroha (join the call, or participate through rocket.chat or mailing lists)

    • A request was made for the Iroha team to give talks at upcoming events about the various features; help to get more contributors to join

      • The Iroha team noted that the have submitted a variety of speaking proposals on this topic for upcoming events already

  • August 9th:  Hyperledger Composer update

Quarterly WG update

  • Nate DeNiro provided the Healthcare WG update

    • A suggestion was made that it would be good to get a bit more specific on the planned work products; would help crystalize participation.

  • Baohua Yang provided the Technical WG China update

    • Comment made that in order to replace the Chair, the WG should determine a recommendation (likely through poll/voting within WG) and bring that recommendation to the TSC for review and approval.

    • Comment that question raised regarding University collaboration can be brought offline with Brian, Tracy, and a few others to help iterate on.

    • Comment that question raised regarding i18n could be discussed offline, noting that a Lab repo could be one potential avenue.

  • August 9th:  Training and Education WG update  

[pending] Copyright discussion (no action during this meeting)