2018 07 05 TSC Meeting

Hyperledger Project

Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting


July 5, 2018 (7:00am - 8:00am PT)via GoToMeeting

TSC Members

Arnaud Le Hors

Baohua Yang


Binh Nguyen


Christopher Ferris


Dan Middleton


Greg Haskins

Hart Montgomery


Jonathan Levi


Kelly Olson


Mic Bowman


Nathan George



CFP for Hyperledger Global Forum will close July 13, 2018 -- submit now


  • Amsterdam Recap

    • In general, positive feedback on the event -- Indy got a lot of hacking done (folks came with plans on what they wanted to build in person), seeding agenda in advance was helpful (though, try to better manage overlap/conflict), and good cross-project collaboration

    • Need to get people pre-bootstrapped for Day 0 and have more hands-on/interactive sessions (as opposed to listening to lectures)

    • Consider creating a business application track (as opposed to just setting up dev environments)

  • October 3-4 | Montreal (registration)

Annual TSC Election

  • Add Labs to list of repos

  • Allow WG leads to provide a list of “contributors” -- similar to previous years

  • VOTE:  unanimous approval of timing & process of upcoming election

Quarterly project updates

  • Hyperledger Quilt update

    • This has been pending for several weeks; need someone from Hyperledger Quilt to provide the update in July 12th meeting

  • Caroline provided the Hyperledger Caliper update (PPT presentation given, as seen on recording, will be merged into wiki)

    • Been using tool on Iroha -- any plans for CI support as part of CI pipeline?

      • Don’t have a plan yet -- but, good point.  Let’s discuss offline.

    • Comfortable with pace and arc of growing a development community around this project?

      • Focus over next 3 months is on dev part -- in future, we would like to do more collaboration with community, i.e. demo at hackfest, etc.

    • Any language restrictions given that most of tool is in JavaScript?

      • Considering adding support for other languages.

    • Any performance issues in tool itself using JavaScript?

      • No.

  • July 12th:  Hyperledger Fabric update

Quarterly WG updates

  • Mark Wagner and Dan Middleton provided the Performance and Scale WG update

    • A suggestion was made to use the mailing list a bit more (to help mitigate challenges with asynchronous participation due to time zones).

    • Is the metrics doc done from tech PoV?

      • Yes, about 90% of way there (can close up in next 2-4 weeks)

  • July 12th:  Whitepaper WG update

[pending] Copyright discussion (no action during this meeting)