2016 10 06 TSC Meeting

Hyperledger Project

Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting


October 6, 2016 (7:00am - 8:00am PT) via GoToMeeting

TSC Members

Arnaud Le Hors


Binh Nguyen

Christopher Ferris


Dan Middleton


Greg Haskins


Hart Montgomery


Mic Bowman


Murali Krishna Katipalli


Richard Brown


Sheehan Anderson

Tamas Blummer



  • Action Item Review
  • HIP:  Iroha (Makoto Takemiya)
  • Java Chaincode demo (Satheesh Kathamuthu, DTCC)
  • WG updates

Action Item Review

  • Hackfest/Hackathon readout from EU (Chris) and ongoing planning (Todd)
    • Held a Hackathon (competition style with prizes) and a Hackfest (working on Hyperledger codebase, help onboard new people, architectural issues, etc.) in Amsterdam this last week, hosted by ABN AMRO
    • Hackathon -- 20 teams of 5-6 each.  12 “geniuses” from HLP technical community, judges including Brian/Chris.  36 hour event.
    • Applications ranging from mobile voting app, healthcare records, insurance for delayed flights, fintech,etc.
    • Use cases here
    • CF:  would be useful to develop “Hackathon in a box”
    • Mic:  talked about having a public test network up -- would be great to have a place to showcase the best applications that come out of these
    • Hackfest -- roughly 60 attended.  Saw some new participants F2F (SWIFT, Accenture, CLS, Santander, etc.), as well as some more people to STL
    • December -- hold a Hackfest?  Should it be in New York?
      • General consensus was that New York on December 5th & 6th in advance of Members Summit is doable.  Todd to look for space and connect back up with TSC before confirming anything.
  • Chris Ferris to pull together thoughts on snapshot release in Hyperledger Release Taxonomy v0.4 and circulate via email
    • VOTE:  Unanimously approved
  • Finalize wiki.hyperledger.org migration plan in 10/6 TSC call
    • Update since TSC call:  plugins have been installed
    • No major objections at this point, start migration early next week.  Need to lock Github wiki prior to migration.
    • Plan to leave the pages that Georg has migrated to Dokuwiki and continue to build from there.
    • Todd to migrate TSC info, WG owners to migrate their own info.
  • Communication Tools (Brian/Todd) - pushed to next week
  • Numbering scheme for HIP (Vipin) - pushed to next week

HIP:  Iroha (Makoto Takemiya)

  • Proposal
  • Source
  • Discussion recording
  • As we ran out of time on this call and several TSC members had to drop (no longer had quorum), please continue Q&A via mailing list and we will revisit this topic in next week’s TSC meeting.

Java Chaincode demo (Satheesh Kathamuthu, DTCC)

  • Pushed to next week

WG Updates

[please send over via email]


  • December Hackfest preparation
  • wiki.hyperledger.org migration
  • Communication Tools (Brian/Todd)
  • Agenda topics for next week:
    • Iroha proposal
    • Java Chaincode demo (Satheesh Kathamuthu, DTCC)
    • Numbering scheme for HIP (Vipin)
    • Incident procedure in code of conduct (Arnaud)