2016 08 04 TSC Minutes

Hyperledger Project

Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting


August 4, 2016 (7:00am - 8:30am PT) via GoToMeeting

TSC Members

Emmanuel Viale



Ajit Krishnamohan



Stan Liberman

CME Group


Tamas Blummer

Digital Asset


Stefan Teis

Deutsche Boerse Group


Pardha Vishnumolakala



Hart Montgomery



Satoshi Oshima



Chris Ferris


Mic Bowman



David Voell

J.P. Morgan


Richard G. Brown



Charles Cai




  • Action Item Review
  • Follow-up on Gerrit migration
  • WG Updates

Action Item Review

  • Hackfest preparation and updates (Todd)
    • Readout from SF Hackfest (Brian and other attendees)
    • August 24-25, virtual (confirmed)
      • Limited participation last time -- teeing up specific action items would be beneficial
      • Will create Google doc for agenda to iterate on over the coming weeks
    • October 3-4, Amsterdam (confirmed - details coming soon)
  • Maturity of software discussion (Jeremy & Bill) - PPT deck
    • Jeremy:  Since we last met, presented to Requirements WG and got favorable response.  Got agreement to incorporate into use cases template. Bill and I walked through a spreadsheet of risks and mitigations.  Important to enterprise development. Incorporated a part of discussion from Identity WG (prioritize features for membership services).
    • Next steps:  Start to develop database some more.  Start to update use case template as well to incorporate risk assessment methodology.
    • Brian:  We did talk about this deck at the Hackfest and many found it useful to walk through what we want to be thinking about when getting ready for 1.0 release.
  • Review Hyperledger Release Taxonomy v0.2 and look at semver (Brian)
    • semver versioning #s have not yet been integrated -- will revisit next week.
  • TSC election (Todd)
  • Revise Hyperledger Explorer proposal and bring back to the TSC next week for review/approval. (Chris)
    • Pardha:  made some updates, will circle back with Dan/Chris and then post to wiki for discussion next week.
    • Brian:  At the Hackfest last week, there is a path forward to build on top of initial contribution to be able to talk to both Fabric and STL.

Follow-up on Gerrit migration

  • Brian:  There are some outstanding migration questions.  We’ve moved where repo sits, the core upstream repo is now on gerrit.hyperledger.org.  One aspect to determine is:
    • leverage the mirror of the fabric (and other) repos to GH and let nature take its course
    • leverage the ability to establish a non-GH identity for our project leveraging the <meta> tage configuration supported by Go.
    • Discussion ensued leading to the outcome that the technical community will continue to further iterate on this topic over the mailing list.
    • Arnaud reminded the TSC of the Immersion into Gerrit training done by Ry Jones.

WG Updates

  • Requirements WG (Oleg Abdrashitov)
    • Jeremy Sevareid and Bill Sparks are working on Risk Assessment and Controls document
    • Oleg Abdrashitov working on Certification and Global KYC Database use cases
    • Ajit Krishnamohan of Airbus working on the requirements for the Supply Chain use case
  • Architecture WG (Ram Jagadeesan)
    • Held F2F at SF Hackfest
      • 1st session on documentation around consensus layer and smart contract layer (and interface between them).
      • 2nd session on security and privacy requirements
  • Whitepaper WG (Dave Voell)
    • Met yesterday, reviewed final updates for next publication (no new feedback for ~3 weeks)
    • Draft v2.0.0 (published August 3, 2016) -- please review
  • Identity WG (Christopher Allen)
    • Update via email
  • CI WG (Chris Ferris)
    • Update via email


  • ACTION:  Hackfest preparation and updates (Todd)
  • ACTION:  Review Hyperledger Release Taxonomy v0.2 and add semver versioning numbers (Brian)
  • ACTION:  Pull a list of wiki contributors to add to TSC election list (Chris)
  • ACTION:  Clean up “contributor” list in preparation for the TSC election (Todd)
  • ACTION:  Revise Hyperledger Explorer proposal and bring back to the TSC next week for review/approval (Pardha)