

Jambot: Figma's Revolutionary AI Tool:  Learn More

Demo: Click Here

Recommendation: Link

Templates By Purpose (Project Checklist):

  • Wiki space Maintenance 
  • GitHub or Gerrit repositories 
  • Graphic Set
  • Whitepaper
  • Training Documentation Packet
  • A diverse group of Maintainers

Recommendations: PLEASE ADD YOuR IDEAS



NameEmailFocusTaskTime Zone and call Preference
Morning EDT
Afternoon EDT
Mid Afternoon EDT
Early Evening EDT
Evening EDT
BobbiBobbi@mcrell.comPMOrganize Group
Gianlucagianluca.posta78@gmail.comMenteeContributeCEST Time Zone, Morning EDT call preference

AI Tools

  • ChatGPT
  • Looka.com (for logos and templates designs)
  • Clipdrop (for images)
  • AI tools for documentation

Templates by Purpose

Where will they reside


MonthTasksStatusWork LinksFeedbacks/Suggestions

Week 1: Researching various templates will be used for website documentation. The templates will be made considering the various project needs. Identifying various template projects will be needed.

Week 2: Creating new guidelines for the templates. Decide the color theme and design standards. Redesigning the existing templates for a better onboarding experience. Creating templates for the "Start here" guide for the Onboarding page of the website.

Week 3: Review the templates, and take feedback and suggestions from mentors and mentees. Incorporating the suggestions and feedback and recreating the templates.

Week 4: Learn about various AI tools we can use for documentation and documentation templates. Introduced Jambot Figma AI tool.

Review, feedback, and suggestions on blogs and tutorials.

DoneTemplate Research (In - progress)

Week 1: Identify the use cases of templates. Review the templates, and take feedback and suggestions from mentors and mentees. Incorporating the suggestions and feedback and recreating the templates.

Week 2: Go through the Hyperledger website and review and check where can we add the template use cases. Created a case study on Figma to get reviewed by the mentor and other mentees.

In progressLink



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