2023 09 21 eBook Progress & Planning
2023 09 21 eBook Progress & Planning
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct.
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct
Date: Thursday, September 21, 2023
Time: 10:30pm IST / 6:00pm CET / 5:00pm GMT / 12:00pm EST / 9:00am PST
Meeting link: https://zoom.us/my/hyperledger.community.backup?pwd=dkJKdHRlc3dNZEdKR1JYdW40R2pDUT09
Zoom Meeting ID: 622 333 6701 Passcode: 475869
Upcoming events
- Oct. 5 - Paul Rapino of GBBC.
- Oct. 19 - Juli Cooper and Haris Kamal of MediLedger.
- Nov. 16 - Alexander Style of Vinturas.
- Upcoming EdX course, starting Oct. 11: Massachusetts Institute of Techonology: Sustainable Supply Chain Management
- UK Electronic Trade Documents Act is now in effect (Oct. 20, 2023).
- Current status of ebook sections.
- For now we need to leave Hyperledger specific pages up front. We are discussing w/Tomaz & Daniela if they can be moved further back in the book, behind the profiles
- Full Page profiles:
- For Circulor, we will keep the Rwanda ESG profile and add some of the info from the Digital Battery Passport profile.
- Is there any info we can put in about specific benefits of using Hyperledger? There may not be.
- If not, maybe include relevant quote, or reference to usefulness.
- Is there any info we can put in about specific benefits of using Hyperledger? There may not be.
- For Trust Your Supplier, Alicia can ask Gigo Joseph if she needs any more data or notes.
- For Circulor, we will keep the Rwanda ESG profile and add some of the info from the Digital Battery Passport profile.
- Projects to Watch:
- Farm to Plate may not be far enough along to include at this point. We may choose to remove the blurb at this point and then add them back when we have sufficient information.
, multiple selections available,