2023 01 26 2023 Project Planning

2023 01 26 2023 Project Planning

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Date: Thursday, January 26, 2023

Time: 10:30pm IST / 6:00pm CET / 5:00pm GMT / 12:00pm EST / 9:00am PST

Meeting link: https://zoom.us/my/hyperledger.community.3?pwd=UE90WHhEaHRqOGEyMkV3cldKa2d2dz09

Upcoming events

  • GS1 Connect 2023: June 5-7, 2023; Denver, CO
  • The next Hyperledger Global Forum is planned for early 2024 (exact date TBD)


  • Reminder: Learn more about fellow SIG members and introduce yourself on the SIG Members page. (Alicia Noel)
  • New Zoom link for future meetings (Tom Klein)
  • Survey results (Erik Valiquette)
    • 24 responses
  • 2023 Project planning
    • What do we want to do?
      • Case studies, Governance were the two most popular responses in the survey.
      • Incoterms from the ICC  ( see the example of FOB below) is on possibility to use as a basis for use case development
      • What use case can be built on top of track & trace to add value? What can I get more than what a control tower gives me?
      • How can we leverage the technology with smart contracts? AI? IoT? In what ways are we limited by technology currently available? - Sophia Brumann 
      • Pranubh Dewan has written a book on international trade (150 pages), will share it with the group in case we find it useful.
      • "FoB" is actually "Free on Board", not "Freight on Board". We need to make sure that people understand the actual meaning of terms used in trade, so that we are communicating effectively. - Michael Darden
      • Incentive model - Michael
      • Re: use cases: Shipping by rail is incredibly complex. When are things picked up? How long are they in rail yards? How do rail companies optimize rail value?  - Jeff Pribich
        • Every car has a 4 digit number/letter identifier. Every few miles the trains pass a reader, allowing shippers to know where their products are.
        • Systems are proprietary. Rail companies use them to share data (car location or other) with their customers.
        • Rail lines are not shared. They are owned by the rail companies.
        • Big temperature swings, causing condensation in the rail cars, especially when they sit in freight yards.
        • Smart contracts have endless applications.
          • Smart contracts could be used to trigger a rebate - Sophia
        • Freight companies are relatively easy to work with, because they are natural monopolies.
        • There is a financial penalty that freight companies pay when shipments are late.
        • Federal Maritime Commission was recently given congressional authority to create a special case of emergency supply chain case, in June 2022. They now have oversight to request and demand info from other transport modalities, not just maritime. They are a middle line transport - between maritime and trucking. Historically rail lines have not had to be accountable; they've had info in their proprietary systems but didn't share it. A company called Railinc is working on this, just raised $30 million. - Michael
        • We can ask about blockchain in the rail industry, find out if there are any existing use cases.
        • If we create a digital twin of an asset being shipped, we'd also need to map the rail network. - Sophia
        • Jeff used digital twinning of a deep water ocean platform, used mostly for operations.
      • Decided we are going to focus on use case development.  As part of the work we will make sure to have a governance plan.
      • We are going to continue the conversation at our next meeting.  There was good support to focus on a track & trace type of use case that would bring in finance.
      • Action Item for next meeting on February 9, 2023: Consider the above discussion points.  Research specific track and trace examples (similar to the rail one in specificity) where some form of sensor data could be available.  Example can be discrete items or bulk. 
    • Who can help with what?
    • Timeline


Erik Valiquette

Alicia Noel

Tom Klein

Andrea Frosinini

Tomaz Sedez

Pranubh Dewan

Jeff Pribich

Sophia Brumann

Michael Darden


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