Language Review (WIP)

Language Review (WIP)

This page aims to collate a list of projects that position themselves as 'smart contract languages'. It is not necessary for a language to position itself as such for it to be useful for smart contracts but by collating them here we hope to:

  • Gain understanding on how other communities view the smart contract problem space
  • Feed into our effort to create our taxonomy of smart contract technology
  • Provide a resource for implementers looking for languages to use
  • Spark ideas for specific experiments or hacks within Hyperledger projects

Cardano Plutus - https://github.com/s-tikhomirov/smart-contract-languages

Ethereum Solidity - https://github.com/ethereum/solidity

Tezoz Liquidity - https://github.com/accordproject/ergo

Kadena Pact - https://github.com/kadena-io/pact

Accord Ergo - https://github.com/accordproject/ergo

DAML - https://github.com/digital-asset/daml

See also

A review of smart contract languages (not everything linked appears to be strictly a language): https://github.com/s-tikhomirov/smart-contract-languages