2019-07-08 Meeting notes



Introductions (New)

  • TBD


From last meeting

  • TBD



  • Kent
    • IoT
      • Google "enabling sensors to talk to blockchain"
      • < $10/device
      • Pilot by request - need data to try it
      • Hashing on device
      • Kent to follow-up
    • General discussion
      • Using computer vision to track and assign hash
    • Traceability
      • Shifting the liability
      • Insurance impact
    • How do you envision to setup pilot for food chain?
      • GS1 + EPCIS events
  • Jeff
    • IoT
      • Ideal to have sensor on the product - follow the product
      • Now its mostly environment - Monitoring environment vs. product
    • Data is an Asset/source of revenue (especially for pharma)
    • Multiple different blockchains, e.g. for leafy greens, mangoes, tuna, etc.
      • Interoperability does not exist
      • change of custody and ownership when dealing with multiple carriers
      • increase complexity when consolidating different industries into a blockchain
    • General discussion
      • Audit the audit technology - "Blockchain auditor"
    • EPCIS events
      • Challenge with Aggregation and Disaggregation - especially in pharma
  • Marco
    • IBM Food Trust
      • Doesn't "feel" like a real blockchain due to control of IBM
  • R3 Corda + Ripe.io for traceability - would be nice to get more info
  • R3 Corda - usage of token for traceability
  • Bret
    • IoT
      • Using simulation / VR to track


Discussion items


Action items
