PSWG March 8th, 2022
PSWG March 8th, 2022
sam yuan
Owned by sam yuan
Meeting Agenda
- Mention Antitrust Policy
- Introductions from people new to the group
Open Discussion (any topic)
- Default topic by sam yuan , Performance SandBox(https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/PerformanceSandBox)
- Performance SandBox projects(https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/PerformanceSandBox/projects)
- Merged PRs
- Jeager related issue fix(https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/PerformanceSandBox/pull/20)
Add a summary for PSB integration with other development tools(https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/PerformanceSandBox/pull/21)
- Couchdb support(https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/PerformanceSandBox/pull/22)
- Cross team discussion
- Cello(2022-02-12)
- Bevel(discussion with Arun)
- Social Media
Meeting Notes
- See attached recording and slides
Tuesday, 8th March, 2022 at 9AM Eastern Time
Add Performance and Scale WG calls to your calendar
Dial-In Information: [ZOOM]
You can join either from your computer or from your phone:
From computer: https://zoom.us/j/99510063016?pwd=aXNvdm10NDd3dlRmMzY3WU5wSVp5Zz09
From phone: +1(855)880-1246 (toll free US number) or view International numbers
Meeting ID: 995 1006 3016
Passcode: 244020
, multiple selections available,