Where are the performance measurements for the Hyperledger projects?

At this point in time the Hyperledger community feels it is inappropriate to discuss or disclose performance and scalability numbers for the Hyperledger projects. There are multiple reasons for this and the main concerns are provided below:

  • There is no formal definitions of the various metrics and how to measure them

    • The PSWG is actively working on defining key metrics and then how to measure them.

  • There is no official project or benchmark that can be fairly be applied across the multiple DLTs.

    • Once the PSWG defines the metrics, then a “benchmark” can be developed. There has already been one project proposed (Caliper).

  • The logistics of how to ensure that any measurements are gathered fairly and provide a “fair and just” result needs to be worked out.

  • The logistics of how to ensure that all the announced performance numbers can be reproduced.

    • This will entail ensuring that all code, tunings, configurations, etc are published with the results.

As you can see, the goal is to ensure that all projects are presented in a fair and equitable manner. Note that the PSWG is open to all and we encourage you to join our efforts to help ensure that we are proposing a fair and equitable manner to define the performance and scalability of the projects.