PSWG May 18, 2021
PSWG May 18, 2021
David Boswell
Javaid, Haris
Owned by David Boswell
Meeting Agenda
- Mention Antitrust Policy
- Introductions from people new to the group
- Presentation by Sam Yuan
- Overview of performance work by TWGC
- Personal view of PSWG (lessons learnt)
- Q&A and Discussion
- Can we reuse performance work from TWGC in PSWG?
- Schedule and agenda for future PSWG meetings
Meeting Notes
- Overview of performance work by TWGC
- High-level overview of Tape and Probe tools
- Technical deep-dives in future meetings
- Schedule of future PSWG meetings
- Once a month
- Current time is suitable for people from China/Asia region. It's quite early for people from North America west coast. Check with the community on mailing list.
- Agenda of future PSWG meetings
- Technical deep-dive of Tape project from TWGC
- Benchmarking, testing and performance discussions
- Discussion of relevant research papers
- Code contributions from community (PRs for Tape, Probe and other projects)
Tuesday, May 18, 2021 at 9AM Eastern Time
Add Performance and Scale WG calls to your calendar
Dial-In Information: [ZOOM]
You can join either from your computer or from your phone:
From computer: https://zoom.us/j/99510063016?pwd=aXNvdm10NDd3dlRmMzY3WU5wSVp5Zz09
From phone: +1(855)880-1246 (toll free US number) or view International numbers
Meeting ID: 995 1006 3016
Passcode: 244020