Ideas - Jermaine Le Grand

Ideas - Jermaine Le Grand

During our meeting, we discussed several different things about the internship opportunity, as well as blockchain as a whole. You asked me what ideas I might have that could advance the human learning and the machine learning within the blockchain. When I think about these terms, I try to split them up using the “divide & conquer” method to understand each component to the best of my ability. The human learning is what is important. There can be no machine learning without the human learning first. This involves speaking to clients and/or shareholders about their needs. This is where we break it down further. Ask questions about what their operations look like on a regular basis, what their procedures are like, and how these are applied. Understanding these components is key to any project. Once this is done successfully, we move on to the machine learning, which is simply applying developer skills to design the needs of the human on a given platform.

In terms of ideas for a taxonomy, my answer was a network of concepts. A platform where learning tools could be shared by many different sources and publications. The world of technology that we live in is evolving and adapting every day. The idea of a map is static, which is why this should not be put into consideration. After hearing about how a tech giant such as Google came to be, it gave me an idea. Consider the web crawler, which basically serves as a spider that connects different websites and sources together via a keyword or reference. When you type in a keyword, the spider searches the web for the source with the most relevant connections to that keyword. A similar idea will be used for the network of concepts. We would use a “spider” which cross-references different learning tools within the network. This way, developers can find new solutions for current, past, or future projects. When ideas are shared, new ideas will be born. By implementing different learning tools to your own projects, you are acting as a “debugger” for a particular application. Once complete, you can report your results back to the network for the next group of developers to use. This way, upcoming developers save time and money when trying to come up with solutions for projects. Because blockchain is so new and still in development, there is no known solution for any particular problem. No solution is a wrong solution; all ideas are welcome. A limit to solutions also does not currently exist, meaning the possibilities are endless. This gives opportunity to expand the network further until each shareholder’s needs are met.