Ideas - Amit Chaudhari

Ideas - Amit Chaudhari


The Human approach is not very fast, so the curation of resources and mapping will be a tedious, long process for us, but at the end of it, it will have a short, but taxonomical mapping with quality.

The Machine approach is using crawlers to crawl webpages.

This solves the quantity issue, but puts forth a lot of data with questionable quality.

The proposed solution is not perfect,

In my opinion, this is a project which needs to combine the human aspect as well as the machine aspects for creating a map of existing opportunities to learn about DLT and Blockchain around the globe. I admit that, but it will get better during each iteration we do.

So the final result will be really better than either of the approaches on their own.

Here’s a chart of the proposed workflow to follow during the process of mapping:

After this, we will definitely have results which provide ease in following things:

  • Contacting and partner with potential allies ,
  • Link them with the internal Hyperledger Resources.
  • Improve the Wiki Page, which is arguably the “front gate” to any person/organisation who might be interested in Hyperledger for their potential use cases.

Syncing workflow with my teammate/fellow mentee.

If the fellow mentee is not within my time-zone (UTC +5:30)

Detailed low context asynchronous communication will be key in this scenario.

We will have to find pieces of times where we can regroup and.

  • Discuss the problems we will be facing,
  • Brainstorm,
  • Troubleshoot, or help each other.

This will be a new experience for me and I really look forward to possibly making a new friend!

Impact of this project

After this the whole blockchain community will see an influx of more new community members. This will be because they will be easily be able to get in touch with the right resource, using the mapping that we create.

This will also impact Blockchain codebase and its developers. Since developers will be able to find and get in touch with the code maintainers and solve issues together. And all of this with lesser inconvenience.

Lastly, but most importantly, this will help newcomers. People who are completely new to blockchain face a lot of trouble in finding trustworthy resources, many give up due to this. I've faced the troubles myself, so I am well aware of this issue. Completing this project will help newcomers learn and grow more into the field of Blockchain and Hyperledger. I see this as a complete win!

Possible flaws in this approach.

Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)

Signal-to-Noise ratio is a measure used in science and engineering that compares the level of a desired result to the level of noise/unwanted results. Web crawling might give us a low SNR.


To ensure we have a high SNR, we should enumerate keywords and links after talking with the experts inside the Hyperledger community. We can learn from the previous iterations of running a crawler, and make sure that we gradually filter out noise. Basically, we as humans will have to provide increasingly better list of keywords and links to our crawler. If we feed bad input, the output is going to be bad... But feed good input, and the output will be good as well.

Restrictions due to using a crawler

There are certain things that a crawler might not be able to do, or might not be feasible to make it do those things. This includes:

  • Crawling dynamically generated client side rendered sites (The most common examples are sites made using bundlers like Webpack/Parcel/Browserify and others). This is a short coming due to the nature of these bundler technologies.
  • The Crawler won't be able to watch a video resource like meetings, or listen to a podcast that talks about Blockchain/Hyperledger.


I (or my fellow mentee) would personally have to go through these audio/video containing results and verify them. This would not take as much time, and will be a really simple solution.


This is a really variable topic to talk about, there's a lot of factors, unseen circumstances which I can't possibly account for. So please consider these milestones as rough estimates.

Month 1

  • Talk and introduce myself to the group I'd be working with
  • Get comfortable with how things are done.
  • Create a crawler & and get the opinion from others about my project. Get pointers to these topics:
    • Recommended existing sources of Blockchain Learning.
    • Personal opinions about improvements in the process we will be following.
    • Recommended contacts who will help me scout even more high quality resources.
  • Get in touch and network with existing institutions, curricula, and professors we know about.

Month 2

  • Create and validate a Keywords list.
  • Run the crawler and gather output.
  • Work on refining and verifying the output from the crawler.
  • Work on creating a tentative directory of all the institutions, curricula, and professors new to us.
  • Work on refining the list of keywords and iterate over the workflow, getting newer results.
  • Network and expand the known network of institutions, curricula, and professors we know about.

Month 3

  • Work on creating a tentative directory of all the institutions, curricula, and professors new to us.
  • Work on refining the directory structure.
  • Publish the directory 

About Me. 


This is the section where I get to talk about myself, Yay!!!

I'm a student developer, whose currently studying Electrical Engineering in my Third Year in Bachelors in Dhule, Maharashtra, India (it's a small town).

My interest involves around Web Development, and Research oriented Python development. I've been contributing to fury recently, and i've also been working on my personal web development project, Anime Jikan, it's still in development. Apart from this, I've also developed and published an app on Google's Playstore called Shuttle Ex, but that was 6 months ago!

I've recently grown an interest for blockchain. and I really really really hope I can contribute to Hyperledger in this mentorship.

If i don't get selected I'd have to contribute to code itself, which is also great, but the force is definitely stronger on the mentorship based contributions. (Yeah, I'm a Star Wars fan !!!)

Here's a link to my resume.

If you're reading this, I'd soo so soo love to get in touch, please contact me on twitter @amyth_dev ❤️

Hope you have a great day!

And please stay hydrated! #hydrohomies