Business Proposition for Hyperledger
Business Plan
Created by bobbi muscara
Last updated: Sep 28, 2021
Are we creating value? yes, priceless
Company Name:
Match Opportunity Seekers with Blockchain Opportunities in an interactive format that opportunity seekers can count on to find a perfect fit. Employers get exposure to the talented pool of potential blockchain employees.
Value Proposition
Hyperledger- Creating a consistent job marketplace is a win-win opportunity for Hyperledger and its members. Hyperledger retains Ledger Academy dba BCEmploy to run four sessions each quarter ( 12 per year). Each quarterly session comes with complimentary training based on Linux Foundation’s LFS170x Blockchain for Enterprises.
Hyperledger Members - As part of the membership fee, The BCEmploy resources, job fair, and training would be a service offered to all members. Full access to all events, training, and the BCEmploy talent pool.
10/1 Spoke to Daniela Hyperledger is not in a position to subside business from the Meetups. The only relation Hyperledger can have is with Members who become training partners. Daniela is looking into whether we can have paid sponsors for Hyperledger Member events.
BCEmploy team
Opportunity Seekers: Feedback
Employers: Feedback
Plan for Success
Accurate data collection and analysis
Quartly sessions with Job Fair
Customize programs for the opportunity seeker
Recruit new candidates from meetups and events.
Development Plan
Develop Database
Financial Projections
Marketing for opportunity seekers
Open an office where BCEmploy can operate from.