Project Plan- Reworking Data Model Tests
Project Plan- Reworking Data Model Tests
Reworked set of data model tests which can be used decoupled from current implementation.
--> Iroha API commands and queries
--> Data Model Testing, using Google test framework
- Researching the differences between the old Ametsuchi framework and the new Executor framework.
- Reworking tests for commands[A-R] with the new framework.
- Reworking tests for commands[R-S] with the new framework.
- Reworking set of queries with the new framework.
- Reworking tests for old Ametsuchi class.
- Final presentation/implementation
- [July 10] - Researching the differences between the old Ametsuchi framework and the new Executor framework.
- [Aug 21] - Reworking tests for commands with the new framework.
- [October 2] - Reworking set of command left & queries with the new framework.
- [Nov 13] - Reworking tests for old Ametsuchi class. Final presentation/implementation.
Atleast one pull request every week, with progress closely monitored on meetings every Tuesday.
Fully functioning reworked set of data model tests that can be used for pluggable data modules.
, multiple selections available,