Chapter Strategy to grow community: III - Jan'24


The Hyperledger India chapter is always appreciated by the Hyperledger staff.  We need collaborative efforts to build a stronger & growing community in India.

Let's brainstorm and come up with workable strategy to build grow Hyperledger India community.


  • To grow and connect with 50000 active community members in India chapter.

Time limit: 

Events/Chapter Roadmap 2023:

In what area:

  • Communication strategy.
  • Networking Strategy.
  • Prospective developer Strategy.
  • Student Engagement Strategy.

Please add your thought process and Ideas to make this possible. I have added a few action items which we should consider.

Action items

In what area

Reasonable actions

Why to be done

Risk if not done

Content posting
  • Content - attractive
  • Trying to get people to comment and have conversations
  • Document observations
    • Post 8pm - higher engagement
  • Linkedin Series  - Content verticals - 7 days of XYZ
    • College students
      • Linux foundation mentee program 
      • How to get started with fabric
        • Prerequisites , links  , help resources, FAQ / in-depth content
    • Business
      • E-book related
    • Tech/ developer interest
      • Hyperledger projects - visuals / graphs / slider pdf
    • From the People at HIC  
  • Discord 
    • Leaderboard for community champions 1,2,3rd positions
      • Monthly contribs published
      • Core-team next year  - incentive
  • Reddit

Communication Strategy
  • End of the presentation ( how to connect with community)
  • Contents in the Hyperledger India youtube channel.
  • Guideline for social media postings.

To engage the audience.

communication continuty will break and migrate to some other tools.

Networking Strategy
  • Active participation in events & promote Hyperledger India community
  • Participation in Colleges and University Technical festival
  •  Different ways to interact with college and start with a introductory presentation about Hyperleger projects
To reach new members.we will miss the target by big margin.

Prospective Developer Strategy

  • Code contributions workshops - Monthly
  • Medium like post in hyperleger wiki post
  • Know-how contents (from scratch to introduction of the tool and frameworks)
  • what we are offering to student societies (see the page for possible questions)
Suvajit/AdityaHyperledger tools documentation is good for people who have experience on the tools. 
Student Engagement Strategy
  • Activating study circles
  • Student Newsletter (highlight the achievement)
  • Create certificate of participation scheme
To make them feel valuable to the community.

They will leave

Find Code contributors 
  • Find the contributor from India in the Hyperledger project code base
Many developers are not active in India chapter community