Student ambassador at HIC student society chapter


Student ambassadors improve outreach and inclusion and (at the same time) help formation of student community at institute/university campus who increasingly interested in enterprize grade blockchain and Hyperledger Foundation. Often it can be uncomfortable to bring up blockchain realted topics with groups of new people, there student ambassador act as bridge to communicate relevent information and start the discussion about enterprise blockchain .

What are the duties of a student ambassador?

 As a student ambassador for the Hyperledger India Chapter (HIC) Student Society Chapter at your university/college/institute campus, you will work as per the aid and advice of your faculty advisor (responsible for the HIC Student Society Chapter) your duties include:

  1. Promoting Hyperledger India Chapter events and activities:
    1. You will be responsible for raising awareness about the initiatives, events, and activities organized by the Hyperledger India Chapter.
    2. It can involve spreading the word through social media, linkedin page, Youtube page, organizing promotional campaigns, and encouraging fellow students to participate.
  2. Facilitating communication:
    1. You will act as a liaison between the HIC and the student community at your university campus.
    2. This involves disseminating relevant information, addressing queries, and ensuring effective communication channels between the HIC student society chapter at your campus and students.
  3. Organizing events and workshops:
    1. You may be involved in planning and organizing events and workshops related to blockchain technology, Hyperledger frameworks, and other relevant topics.
    2. This includes coordinating logistics, inviting speakers, and ensuring a smooth execution of the events.
    3. Organizing Hyperledger meetup at your campus.
  4. Building a community:
    1. You will play a vital role in fostering a sense of community among students interested in private blockchain and distributed ledger technology.
    2. Involve organizing networking sessions, study groups, and other activities to encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing among fellow students.
  5. Providing feedback and suggestions:
    1. As a student ambassador, you will be expected to provide feedback and suggestions to the HIC regarding their activities, events, and initiatives.
    2. Your insights will help improve the overall experience for the student community.

What are the requirements of being considered a student ambassador?

 The specific requirements to be considered a student ambassador for the HIC Student Society Chapter at your campus, but some common criteria include:

  1. Active interest in blockchain technology:
    1. You should have a genuine passion and interest in prviate blockchain technology and its applications.
    2. Familiarity with Hyperledger Foundation, it's projects, frameworks, tools and open-source blockchain projects.
  2. Good communication skills:
    1. Being a student ambassador requires effectively communicating information and engaging with fellow students.
    2. Strong verbal and written communication skills are essential.
  3. Leadership qualities:
    1. You are expected to take the lead in organizing events and activities.
    2. Having leadership qualities such as being proactive, responsible, and organized is advantageous.
  4. Networking abilities:
    1. Building connections within the student community and beyond is an important aspect of being a student ambassador.
    2. Networking skills will help you connect with students, professionals, and industry experts.
  5. Time commitment:
    1. Being a student ambassador requires dedicating a certain amount of time to fulfill your duties.
    2. Ensure you can manage your responsibilities alongside your academic commitments.

What are the benefits of being a student ambassador for career development and growth?

Being a student ambassador for the HIC Student Society Chapter can provide numerous benefits for career development and growth, including:

  1. Networking opportunities:
    1. As a student ambassador, you will have the chance to connect with professionals, industry experts, and like-minded peers.
    2. Networking can open doors to internships, job opportunities, and mentorship.
  2. Skill development:
    1. Serving as a student ambassador allows you to develop and enhance valuable skills such as leadership, communication, event planning, and community management. 
  3. Industry exposure:
    1. By actively participating in HIC and it's events and workshops, you will gain insights into the latest trends, advancements, and applications of blockchain technology. This knowledge can give you a competitive edge in the job market.
  4. Personal growth:
    1. Taking on the role of a student ambassador provides opportunities for personal growth and self-improvement. It can boost your confidence, expand your knowledge, and develop your ability to work in diverse teams.
  5. Recognition and credentials:
    1. Being a student ambassador showcases your commitment and involvement in the blockchain community. It adds credibility to your resume and can serve as a talking point during interviews.

Do I have to be a student of a university or college to participate?

  • To become student ambassador for HIC Student Society Chapter at a university/college/institute, you would need to be a student enrolled in that university or institute.
  • These roles are often designed to engage and represent the student community within a specific institution. However, it's worth noting that Hyperledger foundation and HIC offer opportunities for non-students to participate and contribute as well. You can explore these avenues to get involved with HIC outside of the university context by joining our weely calls.