Women in Blockchain

There has always been a general conception that technology is hostile to women. There are people who believe technology is not feminine. There are people who question the ability of a woman to start a business- they believe women are too risk-averse to start a new business .

Women in Blockchain tend to be the right platform to celebrate, educate and bring in amazing women from the field of Blockchain Technology who have placed their imprints in the world of tech - an area oftentimes associated with men. The event aims to be a Myth Breaker demonstrating to the World, how successful Women have overcome their barriers, to be World Class Leaders in Blockchain Technology.

Explore the opportunities for women as users of technology! Know the barriers in Women’s Participation as Innovators! Discover the role of women in shaping the future economy! Come !! Be a Part of Change . Join us in the Most Awaited Blockchain Panel Discussion!

Zoom Registration: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/6816195203935/WN_RawOKBx0Q1eLbN3xKqgz-g