2020.09.25 General Meeting Agenda
2020.09.25 General Meeting Agenda
Former user (Deleted)
Tomaz Sedej
Mike McCoy
Owned by Former user (Deleted)
Last updated: Apr 25, 2024 by Tomaz Sedej
Welcome and Opening Statements
- A reminder to all HC-SIG members that this meeting is being recorded
- Videoconferencing/teleconferencing connect details are available here
- Videoconferencing/teleconferencing connect details are available here
Erika Beerbower
Mike McCoy
David Boswell
Tsvetan Georgiev
Alicia P
Daniel Watkins
Lea Dias
Si Chen
Guest Presentation
- Senofi’s Consortia product enables you to rapidly configure, deploy and manage blockchain networks via Hyperledger Fabric. The company behind Consortia is a team of software developers with a background in designing, building enterprise technology stacks and large scale enterprise applications. One of the major industires of focus is healthcare in addition to supply chain management. The team will present a live demo of their clinical trial application deployment across multiple members
- Presentation slides
Next Meeting
Friday, October 2nd at 1000 Eastern
Discussion: topics to add to agenda
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