2020.01.10 General Meeting Agenda
Former user (Deleted)
Tomaz Sedej
Welcome and Opening Statements
- A reminder to all HC-SIG members that this meeting is being recorded
- Videoconferencing/teleconferencing connect details are available here
- Videoconferencing/teleconferencing connect details are available here
In attendance:
- Former user (Deleted) (recording)
- ben taylor
- BurstIQ
- Deniz Coskun
- Kent in Hong Kong
- Erika Beerbower
- Jim Mason
- Ravesh Dewan
- Robert Coli, MD
- Susan Ramonat
- johnwalker
If you’re new to the group, please…
Introduce yourself
Tell us where you're geographically located
Share with us your interests in healthcare in general, and blockchain technologies in specific
- Consider posting your contact information in our HC-SIG Membership Directory
- Questions? Review our HC-SIG FAQ for answers
Community Announcements
- Hyperledger Global Forum 2020
- Join us at this annual event, happening March 3 - 6, 2020 in Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Members of HC-SIG will be attending this forum, and will bring back to this group anything that the find of interest as it relates to the healthcare industry
- HIMSS Conference 2020
- Are you planning to attend this year? If so, please let us know, as we're planning HC-SIG membership events now
Do you have any announcements that you'd like to share with the HC-SIG community?
- Feel free to make an announcement here, on our Rocket.Chat channel, or via our email listserv
Wendy (BurstIQ) will be speaking at the blockchain symposium the day before the conference kick-off. Rich will be attending that symposium,
HC-SIG Subgroup Updates
Patient/Member Subgroup (Deniz Coskun, Lead)
Deniz and his team continue to develop their e-consent solution using Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Sawtooth. While his team continues to grow, Deniz is happy to have additional members get involved in this subgroup
Payer Subgroup (Raveesh Dewan, Lead)
Raveesh provided an update on the Payer Subgroup, noting that they're hoping to reset to focus of this subgroup. His team is currently looking for some new topics to consider, and additional members to kick off the new year
Healthcare Interoperability Subgroup (Steven Elliott, Lead)
Bob Coli spoke on Steven's behalf, noting that this past HIS meeting was canceled due to ill health (we all hope Steven get better soon). Bob talked a bit about some of the recent discussions in this subgroup, and has asked that additional members to this subgroup would be useful, as they move forward with their work on interoperability issues in healthcare
HC-SIG Ad Hoc Team Updates
Wiki Redesign Team (Rich Bloch, Lead)
Work continues on our SIG site design
- Discussion: are you a Confluence expert... interested in joining this team?
Jim has offered to serve as a resource in driving improvements around these wiki pages. Thanks Jim!
Academic Research Team (Logan Wilding, Nisarg Amin, and Adrian Berg, Lead)
- Discussion: looking to reboot this team... anyone interested?
- Discussion: looking to reboot this team... anyone interested?
HC-SIG Use Case Development Team (Erika Beerbower, Lead)
Erika provided a status on this team, thinking to review the existing work efforts and use cases that were originally identified. A good discussion with Kent on whether there have been any identifiable use case requests in the community (to Rich's recollection from last year's HIMSS Conference, there didn't seem to be any specific use case that stood out).
Old Business
- With the start of the new year... it's time to update our HC-SIG Membership Survey
- Discussion: looking for reviewers of our annual membership survey... interested?
- Discussion: looking for reviewers of our annual membership survey... interested?
- Healthcare Funding Opportunities
New Business
- #HyperledgerHealth in January Marketing Campaign!
From Jessica Rampen, Senior Manager of Marketing Communications:
We will be doing an extra marketing push around all things Hyperledger and Healthcare this month.
What can you do? Send us content to promote! The content you submit will be queued throughout the month for us to push on our social channels with the hashtag #HyperledgerHealth. We would also appreciate any engagement with our promotion once it is live. This includes retweeting, sharing and comments in support.
If you know of a production use case of Hyperledger tech for healthcare, please email pr@hyperledger.org - we're currently working on a roundup for the Hyperledger blog and may want to include it!
Other examples of content you can submit to us for consideration:
- Pictures at blockchain events, speaking, meetups etc. related to healthcare. Or meetup videos! Please be sure to include context.
- Blogs (new or old) about Hyperledger projects related to healthcare initiatives or applications (see blog guidelines here). Consider submitting engineers to the Dev Showcase blog series.
- Case studies or whitepapers focused on blockchain applicability in healthcare
So, if you have any work that you're doing that relates to the use of Hyperledger frameworks/tools in the development of healthcare solutions that you'd like to share with an international audience, now is the time to let us know!
Open Discussions (Rich)
Discussion: your thoughts on changes you'd like to see with the HC-SIG?
Next Meeting
Scheduled for Friday, 2020.01.24, 0700 Pacific Time
Discussion: topics to add to agenda?
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